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The COVID-19 pandemic drove many companies to rapidly deploy cloud solutions to support the overnight shift to remote working. However, the speed of this adoption meant this process was often rushed, leaving many organizations exposed to new security risks. With the pandemic easing and the world entering a ‘new normal’, businesses can no longer be complacent about this issue. The risk is too great – to your brand, your share price and your customers. Amid this environment, and following a surge high-profile cyber-attacks this year, now is the time to pause and re-examine your cloud security to gain a true understanding of your complete attack surface. Better visibility of your network is critical to ensure the most efficient and effective use of your current and future security investment. This panel of cloud security experts will examine: • What are the real consequences of an attack to a business? • How gaps in your security can so easily be missed, particularly following the adoption of new technologies • How do you maintain the required vigilance to keep up with the growing risk of cyber-attacks?
Oct 7, 2021
Oct 7, 2021, 10:00 EDT (14:00 GMT)

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