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Guide to business continuity planning: COVID-19 and beyond

As COVID-19 continues to spread, companies need to evaluate their ability to conduct business as usual during this time by revisiting business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Inside this comprehensive guide, we share best practices on how to defend your business against disruption, identify key business areas at risk and respond to business continuity planning challenges.

These are also closely related to: "Pharma Sector VMC Use Case"

  • How to gain maximum cloud business value

    Cloud adoption continues to escalate, but, while the cloud's natural resiliency and agility are certainly attractive to IT, what about business value?

    While a strong business case for cloud can be based on the predictable pricing models, there are many more areas to scope out the fuller business impact.

    Join industry experts from Citrix and AWS as they lay out detailed cloud business value factors, review actual corporate IT experiences, and explore all the ways that businesses can achieve increased business value on their journey to the cloud.

  • Analyst report: How to maximize AI value with a digital platform

    This IDC white paper discusses how firms are leveraging AI to boost digital business. It explores the C-suite's AI view, its enterprise-wide impact, and crafting an AI-first strategy. Highlights include:

    • Developing AI-first strategies
    • Four pillars of digital business, with a central platform
    • Leading digital business KPIs
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    A solid data foundation is vital for AI-centric business. The right digital platform facilitates AI integration, reducing costs and hastening business results.

    Learn to maximize AI's business value with a digital platform in the full IDC InfoBrief.

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