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Future Ready Secure Network for Modern Applications

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CW APAC: Trend Watch: Cloud networking

Organisations are waking up to the importance of utilising updated cloud services. In this handbook, focused on cloud networking in the Asia-Pacific region, Computer Weekly looks at the technology’s advantages, how Cloudflare keeps its customers protected, Tata’s efforts to strengthen its offerings, and how networking and security might evolve in the future.

These are also closely related to: "Future Ready Secure Network for Modern Applications"

  • Top 10 networking stories of 2019

    Until Tuesday 10 December, it would have been absolutely fair to say that 2019 was the year of software-defined networking. And then, on 11 December, Cisco unveiled the basis of what it called the internet for the future. Hardware was very much back to the future. Here are Computer Weekly’s top 10 networking stories of 2019.

  • SASE selection: Key considerations

    With the rise of hybrid work, securing remote and on-site network access is crucial. But the broader attack surface and security gaps increase protection complexity.

    Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) merges SD-WAN with cloud security services, offering secure, swift access to the internet, SaaS and private apps from anywhere.

    This 20-page buyer’s guide maps out key considerations to keep in mind when selecting a SASE solution.

    Consult the full guide for detailed SASE guidance.

Find more content like what you just read:

  • SASE: 10 Must-Have Capabilities

    When selecting a unified SASE solution, what requirements should you keep in mind? Along with answering that question, this 20-page buyer’s guide for unified SASE maps out key SASE use cases and questions to pose to vendors. Keep reading to unlock the insights in full.


  • A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to networking for the modern workplace

    The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed our networking habits. In this 17-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at how firms are coping with the shift to remote working, the new challenges facing IT leaders and the alternatives to strained virtual private networks.


  • How to transition from SD-WAN to SASE

    As businesses work to ensure secure connectivity for their distributed employees, many have moved from an SD-WAN framework to a SASE one. You may have some questions, like "How do SD-WAN and SASE compare?" and “What does a transition to SASE look like?” This E-Guide has answers. Keep reading to access networking insights.


  • Integrated SD-WAN solutions drive network and security convergence

    Today, direct cloud connectivity, integrated security, and enhanced experiences are driving SD-WAN adoption. As a result, the line between security and networking is becoming thinner. This this Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) e-book explores how SASE strategies are fueling the convergence of network and security teams. Download to learn more.


  • Comparing SASE architectures: Single-vendor vs. alternatives

    Single-vendor SASE delivers networking and security convergence, identity-driven access, cloud-native architecture, global availability and support for all edges. Learn how a single-vendor SASE can simplify your infrastructure and operations. Read the full white paper.


  • How 4 types of SASE stack up

    In this white paper, discover how 4 types of SASE – including single-vendor SASE and managed SASE – stack up against each other.


  • Vendor Study – Software Defined Solutions and Services

    This ISG Provider Lens study examines the different kinds of global network offerings related to SDN. These include SD-WAN (consulting, implementation and managed services), SD-WAN (DIY) and equipment and service supply to enterprises for own operation. Read the study now to learn which could best fit your business’ needs.


  • Explore the components and benefits of SASE architecture

    This guide explores the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture, including how it differs from SD-WAN and security service edge (SSE). Learn about the benefits, challenges, and use cases of SASE to determine if it's the right choice for your organization. Read the full guide to understand this cloud-based network security model.


  • 6 steps for relieving IT pros’ burnout

    Surveying 32,600 IT professionals, Yerbo found that 2 in 5 workers are at a high risk of burnout. So, what can a CIO do to alleviate IT staff’s stress? Dig into this white paper to discover how CIOs can mitigate burnout in 6 steps.


  • Explore the Benefits of Unified SASE for Hybrid Cloud Security

    As organizations adopt hybrid work and multi-cloud environments, fragmented cloud security adds complexity. Unified SASE offers a consolidated approach. Read the full white paper to learn more.


  • Analysts’ thoughts on SASE: 11-page white paper

    Why do analysts recommend leveraging SASE? In this white paper, explore 7 reasons why and unlock insights from Gartner, Forrester and more.


  • Evolution of network security: Firewalls to unified SASE

    This white paper covers the evolution of network security from firewalls to unified SASE platforms that secure the hybrid workforce, distributed edge and multi-cloud environments. Read on to discover how integrated networking and security can provide end-to-end visibility and control.


  • 5 verticals, 5 SASE strategies: Brief e-book

    Download this e-book to learn how SASE can augment security postures in 5 verticals, including manufacturing and technology.


  • Hybrid workforce cybersecurity unified by SASE approach

    Remote work broadens the network edge, making it more challenging to secure users, devices and apps. To discover how SASE's fusion of networking and security can boost visibility and the user experiences of your dispersed workforce, tap into this white paper.


  • Brief Guide to SASE: Key Elements & More

    In this brief guide, discover how secure access service edge (SASE) can help you unify cybersecurity for your hybrid workforce.


  • Key considerations for today's SASE buying teams

    This detailed SASE buying guide outlines key considerations for today's buying teams, including SASE components, market trends, benefits and the purchasing process. Learn how SASE can secure your network and workforce. Read the full guide.


  • 4 key requirements for implementing zero trust at the branch

    Discover the 4 key requirements for implementing a zero trust approach at the branch to secure remote access, streamline connectivity, and improve user experience. Read the white paper to learn more.


  • CW ASEAN April 2018

    This year, more enterprises will adopt a "cloud-first" SD-WAN architecture designed to efficiently support their increasingly cloud-based application mix. In this issue of CW ASEAN, we take a closer look at how ASEAN enterprises gearing up for this eventuality.


  • Analyst assessment: Verizon Business for managed SD-WAN/SASE

    In this analyst report, IDC analyzes the global managed SD-WAN/SASE services market, highlighting Verizon's leadership position. Key takeaways include the evolution toward integrated networking and security, challenges with enterprise adoption, and Verizon's strengths in multivendor offerings and visibility. Read the full report to learn more.


  • Market overview: 13 managed SD-WAN/SASE vendors

    To see how 13 leading vendors for managed SD-WAN/SASE services stack up against each other, download this 10-page IDC MarketScape report.


  • Implementing SASE: Common barriers, lessons & more

    To reduce networking costs, to secure their remote workforce, to enable more flexible networking: These are a few of the many rewards that have driven organizations to journey to SASE. In this S&P Global report, discover lessons that can guide your business through the shift to SASE.


  • Enhancing network edge security: 12-page e-book

    Yes, security threats are expanding – and so is the network edge. So, how can you ensure your organization’s users at the edge are as secure as possible? Tap into this e-book by Cradlepoint for guidance.


  • SSE Leads the Way to SASE

    By providing modern security capabilities with less disruption, SSE frameworks make an excellent stepping stone to a complete SASE implementation. This report from Enterprise Strategy Group provides a thorough analysis of today's secure digital transformation journeys and the SASE market Get your copy today to find out more.


  • Report: Secure Access Service Edge Growth Opportunities

    Explore the latest report on Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) from Frost & Sullivan. Uncover key insights into why businesses are opting for Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) and how a SASE unified cloud-based platform can drive operational efficiency and cost savings.


  • Explore SASE use cases to modernize your network and security

    Explore the top SASE use cases to modernize your network, adopt Zero Trust, protect your attack surface, and secure your data anywhere. Download this buyer's guide to navigate priorities and select the right SASE platform for your journey.


  • How can the software-defined edge transform telco?

    Enterprises need to bring cloud intelligence to distributed edge sites, but managing diverse edge locations is challenging. In this 12-page e-book, learn how VMware's software-defined edge (SDE) solution can transform enterprise operations and create new revenue streams for telcos.


  • CW APAC, April 2021: Trend Watch: IoT in India

    In this handbook, focused on the internet of things in India, Computer Weekly looks at the country's potential as an IoT hotspot.


  • Computer Weekly – 3 September 2024: The politics of techno-refusal

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we learn about the politics of techno-refusal and what can be learned from the sabotage of tech infrastructure in the 1980s. Following the controversy around Broadcom's purchase of VMware, we examine alternative virtualisation solutions. And our latest buyer's guide looks at the state of SD-WAN. Read the issue now.


  • Analyst report: SD-WAN insights for manufacturers

    76% of surveyed manufacturing organizations have set digitalization as a strategic imperative, according to research by Frost & Sullivan. So, how can those manufacturers accomplish their digitalization goals? This Frost & Sullivan report explores how SD-WAN and SASE can help in 5 key ways. Continue on to explore the insights.


  • SASE vs. SD-WAN: A head-to-head capability comparison

    SASE or SD-WAN? Before your business can determine which to use to support your distributed workforce, first, you need to understand the ways in which the technologies differ. Read on to consider 5 key differences between SASE and SD-WAN.


  • 8 ways SASE answers your IT & security needs

    Evolving business requirements have revolutionized network and security technology. But what will the future bring? What matters is that you’re ready. Download this e-book to find 8 ways SASE answers your current and future IT and security needs.


  • SD-WAN case studies: Whole Foods, Michelin and more

    To review 7 SD-WAN success stories that VMware helped facilitate, explore this 15-page e-book.


  • The Dark Side of SD-WAN

    There’s a glow on the upsides of SD-WAN, but there’s also a “dark side” that must be considered. Companies looking to SD-WAN to replace traditional MPLS have to learn how to design the middle and last miles of their SD-WAN to run reliably and with high availability. View this Cato Networks guide to learn how it’s done.


  • Single-vendor SASE: 10 evaluation criteria

    Modern workforces require modern network security. Enter Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). For an ultimate guide to single-vendor SASE, check out this eBook.


  • SASE: 7 major business use cases

    SASE has become a game changer for many organizations by securing global WAN connections, cloud application performance and remote access. In this e-book, you will learn how the combination of convergence, cloud agility, and fast performance sets up SASE to address 7 key business use cases. Download now to unlock this complete guide.


  • Modernizing your network: A journey to simplicity and agility

    Legacy networks, with their complex and rigid architecture, hinder digital transformation. Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud offers essential networking and security services for modernization, enabling site connections, infrastructure protection and network streamlining. Learn how Cloudflare can transform your network in the full white paper.


  • March ezine: Making tracks to SD-WAN growth

    SD-WAN is a technology on the rise and there are clearly plenty of channel opportunities out there for those that get a firm grip on deployment and installation


  • A Computer Weekly e-guide to SASE

    Covid has changed everything. Yet while it has truly as introduced many new things to many spheres of activity, in terms of networking it has actually acted as an accelerant to phenomena that were just gaining momentum before the first lockdowns and stay at home orders were being made. secure access service edge (SASE) is one such case.


  • Streamline Manufacturing with Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

    Discover how Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) can transform manufacturing by streamlining IT, enhancing security, and enabling secure global connectivity. Learn how leading manufacturers overcame challenges with SASE in this informative white paper.


  • CW Benelux ezine August 2016

    In this issue of CW Benelux we describe how data scientists in the Netherlands have applied technology to art.


  • The Top Benefits of SD-WAN for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

    As adoption of SD-WAN technology continues, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are increasingly realizing significant benefits SD-WAN enables. Discover the trends driving SD-WAN adoption and the top business benefits of deploying SD-WAN in this IDC report.


  • The rise of SD-WANs: Time to cross the chasm

    Where does SD-WAN stand at the beginning of the second quarter of 2022? The solid upward trajectory of SD-WANs has been given further impetus by the parallel emergence and rise of SASE, which integrates SD-WAN with edge security, and the rise persists as SD-WAN pricing becomes more competitive and monitoring capabilities become popular.


  • Public cloud in India: A guide to building digital resiliency

    In this e-guide, read more about the rise of India as a cloud powerhouse, what major suppliers are doing in the market and an expert's take on the importance of having a cloud operating model to drive business outcomes from cloud initiatives.


  • Economic analysis of VMware SASE

    In this Forrester Total Economic Impact report, discover the cost savings that VMware SASE has delivered for 5 businesses.


  • The rise and rise of SD-WAN in post Covid-19

    So much has been up in the air in the wake of the onset of Covid-19 and the lockdowns and stay-at-home orders issued by various governments around the world. But there has been one thing that is pretty fixed: the rise and rise of software-defined wide area networks (SD-WANs).


  • Optimizing SASE vendor selection with the RACI framework

    The RACI matrix is a powerful project management tool you can use to optimize single-vendor SASE selection. It defines roles and responsibilities, fosters collaboration and aligns stakeholders. Read this e-book to learn how to apply the RACI matrix to your SASE project.


  • Critical Guidance for Evaluating SASE Solutions

    IT teams today must have a SASE solution but not all are equally effective. Key elements like application performance, access, and security can vary widely. Therefore, organizations need to take into account the issues and understand fully their use cases before making a SASE solution purchasing decision.
