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Compute Engine Tau T2D: Industry Leading Price-Performance Virtual Machines with x86 Compatibility

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The secret to gaining cost efficiencies for large-scale cloud workloads

Investments in the cloud continue to grow at an astounding rate. According to Gartner, by 2024, more than 45% of IT spending on system infrastructure, infrastructure software, application software, and business process outsourcing will shift from traditional solutions to cloud solutions.

But increasingly, companies are focused on how to optimize their spend.

In this product overview, discover how Tau T2D, an important expansion to Google Cloud’s already comprehensive Compute Engine portfolio designed to drive cost efficiency for large-scale cloud workloads, can help your organization better price-performance from your cloud investments.

These are also closely related to: "Compute Engine Tau T2D: Industry Leading Price-Performance Virtual Machines with x86 Compatibility"

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