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The Complete Enterprise Application Security Checklist

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How to choose the right AppSec vendor/offering

The adoption of application security (AppSec) tools and capabilities has seen a steady rise in popularity over the last decade, with no signs of slowing down.

However, each organization’s application environment is unique – requiring an AppSec program that is custom-fit to their unique needs.

Read this infosheet to for helpful guidance when it comes to evaluating and choosing the right AppSec vendor/offering.

These are also closely related to: "The Complete Enterprise Application Security Checklist"

  • Your path to a mature AppSec program

    According to a recent Verizon study, almost 40% of observed security incidents and data breaches were the direct result of a cyberattack targeting web applications – but it’s no secret that apps are often the target of today’s threats.

    This e-book, Your Path to a Mature AppSec Program, provides expert guidance to help your organization modernize its AppSec approach – chapters include:

    • An introduction to application security
    • AppSec stages
    • Steps to reach AppSec security
    • & more

    Download the e-book to get started.

  • Next-generation DAST: Introducing interactive application security testing (IAST)

    While dynamic application security testing (DAST) has been a go-to AppSec testing technique for decades, it is not without its drawbacks.

    Cybersecurity is evolving, and in order to mitigate modern vulnerabilities, you need a level of insight and visibility that legacy DAST just can’t consistently provide.

    This is where interactive application security testing (IAST) comes into play.

    IAST builds off the many strong points of DAST, analyzing applications in a running state but working from the inside out, rather than from the outside in.

    Download this white paper to learn more.

Find more content like what you just read:

  • SAST vs. DAST: What Are the Differences and Why Are They Both Important?

    If you only use SAST, you miss out on detecting critical flaws from open source vulnerabilities and configuration errors. The more application security scan types you employ, the more flaws you uncover. This infographic dives deeper into the differences between SAST and DAST, and establishes the benefits of using both scan types in unison.


  • What security pros need to know about software development today

    Download this resource to learn about how software development tools and processes changed recently, challenges developers run into while trying to balance these new tools and processes, and what security professionals can do to get developers fully on board with security.


  • DevSecOps: A comprehensive guide

    Read this DevSecOps Buyer’s Guide and get the comprehensive checklist you need to assess, vet, and purchase a DevSecOps platform that delivers accurate, continuous, and integrated security monitoring and remediation.


  • Floor & Decor ensures comprehensive and efficient security with Contrast Security

    By using Contrast Security solutions, Floor & Décor has been able to better identify, remediate, and avoid potentially impactful security events such as the Log4j/Log4Shell incident. In fact, the company’s applications were protected from the vulnerability even before it was publicly known. Access the case study to learn more.


  • 4 Ways to Increase Developer Buy-In of AppSec



  • 5 principles for securing DevOps

    Integrating security operations into pre-existing DevOps processes can yield numerous business benefits – including a measurable growth in both profit and revenue. Read this whitepaper to unlock the 5 principles of DevSecOps to help you get started.


  • The benefits of runtime application self-protection

    Traditional application security solutions lack visibility into runtime vulnerabilities, leading to ineffective threat detection and high false positives. Contrast Protect runtime application self-protection (RASP) provides accurate, embedded protection that reduces operational burden on security teams. Read the solution brief to learn more.


  • Application security: Understanding how software is protected

    According to a recent report, 76% of all software applications have some sort of a security flaw. Applications are often seen as products in and of themselves, but when they are given sensitive information, it is important that they also be secure. Access the full infosheet to learn more about the current state of application security.


  • Safeguarding your software supply chain: A buyer's guide

    As organizations rely more on software, the attack surface grows. Malware, tampering, and exposed secrets in commercial and proprietary apps pose risks beyond just open-source vulnerabilities. Read this buyer's guide to learn how to secure your software supply chain.


  • 7 advantages of a SaaS-based application security program

    In this infographic, discover 7 advantages of a SaaS-based application security program vs. on-premises.


  • Securing the entire software development pipeline with Veracode Static Analysis

    Developers need security testing solutions that can keep pace with rapid, agile development processes. Traditional AppSec solutions can cause development to stall and delay the release of software. In this guide, learn how static analysis solutions can secure applications without hindering fast development.


  • OWASP Top Ten: How to keep up

    The newest addition to the OWASP Top Ten was recently published to help organizations assess their application security efforts – but false positives could lead to unnecessary stress. Download now to learn how Contrast’s observability platforms is designed to keep up with the rapidly expanding scope of the OWASP Top Ten.


  • Toughening up web and mobile application security

    In this e-guide, read more about the best practices for web application security, how to balance app innovation with app security, why API security needs to be part of your defence strategy, and what are the top tools to keep your applications safe, among other trends.


  • How Do Vulnerabilities Get into Software?

    Despite the best efforts of IT security teams, vulnerabilities in applications are bound to happen. In fact, research shows that 3 out of 4 apps produced by software vendors fail to meet security standards. Download this white paper to discover the 4 most common causes that lead to software vulnerabilities and ensure your readiness.


  • Practical steps for adopting DevSecOps

    What are practical steps for adopting DevSecOps? Find out in this 20-page e-book, which maps out how to build a modern software development workflow around security.


  • Automated security testing for secure software development

    To find out how your teams can deliver more secure software faster, take a look through this white paper, "Leveraging Automation to Achieve DevSecOps for Secure Web Applications and APIs."


  • Secure SDLC in 6 steps: Automate for better developer experience

    As the software development lifecycle (SDLC) becomes more complex, integrating security throughout the process is critical. This e-book outlines 6 essential steps to secure the SDLC and optimize the developer experience through automation. Read the full e-book to learn how to mitigate risks, prevent flaws, and build secure software.


  • AI-based application testing: Simulate attacks at scale

    With advances in AI capabilities, hackers have leveraged the evolving technology in order to perform more sophisticated attacks at scale. If actual attacks are using AI, then simulated attack testing that is performed at scale using AI is as close of a simulation to the real thing as one could hope for. Read on to learn more.


  • Navigating the GDPR

    Today’s businesses encounter not only rising cyberattacks but also regulations with stringent requirements. To help organizations navigate that challenging landscape, this white paper presents best practices for complying with the EU’s GDPR. Keep reading to unlock insights.


  • Security leader’s guide to supply chain security

    Over the last 3 years, supply chain attacks rose 1300%. This report is designed to give readers a map with which they can navigate the landscape of software supply chain security, exploring some of the high-level trends in software supply chain threats and how recent attacks provide insight into what’s to come. Read on to learn more.


  • Urban Myths About Secure Coding

    Urban myths, whether rooted in reality or fabricated entirely, have the power to change perception. Read this e-book which is designed to rectify these misconceptions by presenting six common urban myths about secure coding and giving practical guidance for how to overcome them.


  • Discover the key capabilities of a next-gen web application firewall

    Fastly's Next-Gen WAF offers flexible deployment, effective bot and scraper protection, serverless security, and virtual patching to secure modern web apps and APIs. Learn how Fastly's comprehensive web application security solution can protect your business. Read the full white paper.


  • Protecting what matters most with business risk observability

    This white paper explores how business risk observability can help organizations secure hybrid and cloud-native applications. It discusses how Cisco Secure Application automates vulnerability detection, prioritization, and remediation based on business impact. Learn how to protect what matters most - read the full white paper.


  • Harness WAF & RASP for complete security protection

    Explore how combining Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) can provide comprehensive security against known and unknown vulnerabilities. Learn how RASP's runtime monitoring offers deeper protection than WAFs alone. Read the full e-book to learn more.


  • DevSecOps delivers better business

    Firms need to consider the move from DevOps to DevSecOps. This e-guide focuses on the benefits of DevSecOps, paints a picture of the rise of this approach, and explains why using the right DevSecOps tools leads to more secure development. DevSecOps delivers better business, and it's time for you to find out how and why.


  • Securing AI Workloads: Insights by Enterprise Strategy Group

    Securing generative AI (GenAI) workloads is critical to protect sensitive data, maintain intellectual property, and build customer trust. This Enterprise Strategy Group Showcase explores how AWS solutions and partners can help organizations build a comprehensive security model for their GenAI initiatives. Read the full report to learn more.


  • Developer’s guide to secure coding

    This 31-page eBook provides a roadmap to secure coding in practice. Inside, find a deep dive into common software vulnerabilities, how hackers exploit them, what you need to know to prevent a breach, and more.


  • State of application security annual report

    In the current spectrum of cybersecurity, organizations are continuously trying to reduce their security debt, but what is just as important is to not introduce security flaws that can accumulate over the life of your applications, making them more vulnerable in the long run. Read on to learn more about the current state of application security.


  • Practical steps to implement DevSecOps and reduce software risk

    Discover how to implement a successful DevSecOps approach and secure your software development lifecycle. Learn practical steps to integrate security early, automate processes, and reduce risk. Read the full e-book to get started.


  • IDC TechBrief: Interactive Application Security Testing

    With modern application development operating at break-neck speeds, DevOps teams pressured by deadlines are often forced to compromise security for efficiency’s sake. This white paper examines the benefits of using interactive application security testing to mitigate the security risk and complexities of using DevSecOps. Read on to learn more.


  • A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to secure and agile app development

    As apps become increasingly integral to business operations, the importance of keeping them secure can never be overstated. In this 15-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at how firms can protect apps from ransomware, why app creation needs to happen at pace, and how to get the right balance between security and coding


  • App Sec Tools Need a Software Supply Chain Security Upgrade.

    Learn why traditional application security testing tools alone leave your organization exposed to supply chain attacks — and how software supply chain security tools represent an evolution of traditional application security tools, ensuring end-to-end software security.


  • 3 key concepts of a prevention-first security strategy

    With cloud threats evolving, organizations find themselves exposed and at risk. In response, they need a new more proactive approach to cloud security. This whitepaper outlines Check Point’s new Cloud Security paradigm, which emphasizes a unique technology stack. Read on to learn more.


  • Mitigate these 3 risks to container & IaC security

    Along with highlighting 3 prevalent risks to container and IaC (infrastructure as code) security, this e-book instructs readers on how to mitigate those risks with a holistic approach to security. Continue on to unlock these insights.


  • Manage Cloud Security Posture: Enhance your multi-cloud safety

    As cloud complexity increases, cloud security posture management (CSPM) is essential to maintain compliance and reduce risks. Chef Cloud Security offers continuous cloud security and compliance monitoring, with visibility into misconfigurations and automated remediation. Learn more about implementing CSPM with Chef.


  • Putting NIS2 into Context: A Guide to Compliance

    The EU's updated cybersecurity legislation, NIS2, strengthens security requirements for critical infrastructure. Learn how the Sonatype platform can help organizations address NIS2 compliance challenges and enhance software development processes. Read the 7-page white paper.


  • Financial service leader’s guide to compliance

    In January of 2025, the EU will begin enforcing the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). This guide provides a more detailed breakdown of the compliance law and provides you with the information and resources you need to prepare your organization to meet the regulations. Access now to learn more.


  • Proactive Security: Software vulnerability management and beyond

    In this e-guide we discover why modern security professionals are moving to a more pro-active approach to cyber defence, and how managing vulnerabilities is a key element of that.


  • Application security: best practices and risks

    Security professionals need to anticipate vulnerabilities from all the right perspectives, and that means testing apps for flaws on a regular basis, whether that means monthly, quarterly or following updates. Check out this e-guide, which include application security best practices, threat identification and security testing tips.


  • See the latest research findings on Kubernetes cloud-native security

    Each year, an in-depth survey is conducted on hundreds of DevOps, engineering, and security professionals regarding security challenges when it comes to Kubernetes and cloud-native adoption. On top of learning the exciting survey results, you’ll learn about specific security incidents and how you can avoid them. Read on to learn more.


  • Why application hardening is essential in DevSecOps

    Discover in this IDC analyst report why application hardening must be integrated with DevSecOps security gates to ensure only hardened apps are released.


  • A guide to continuous software delivery

    Software empowers business strategy. In this e-guide we explore how to deliver new software-powered functionality for continuous business improvement.


  • Application security: More important than ever

    In this e-guide we look at why application security is more important than ever due to traditional software and cloud-based, web and mobile applications playing an increasingly important role in business.


  • How to protect your data, no matter where it is

    In most industries, the most important asset to an organization is data. The problem is that data is becoming more challenging to protect and secure, and this is no different in the cloud. If your data isn’t protected correctly, the cost of a breach can take down an entire organization. So, what are the challenges? Read on to find out more.


  • Do you need unified or diversified cybersecurity software?

    In this 10-page e-book, unlock a guide to choosing between unified and diversified cybersecurity software.


  • Top threats to security asset management: What to know

    17% of organizations report that their approach to security hygiene and posture management (SHPM) is completely decentralized, while 41% consider their approach to be only partially centralized, according to research by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG). To learn more about the complex state of SHPM, dig into this ESG report.


  • CW APAC - November 2019: Expert advice on container security

    For all the promises of containers, changes in architectureand practices associated with the technology bring newchallenges and opportunities. In this handbook, Computer Weekly looks at the security challenges associated with container technology. Read the issue now.
