The DevOps Acceleration Blueprint: Choosing the Right CDN for Your Team

Is it truly possible to select a CDN that supercharges your DevOps efficiency? Can you focus on efficiency but also implement a tool to empower your teams for better access, control, and configurability?
We’ve put together your complete guide for developer-friendly CDNs to supercharge efficiency
This ebook will provide considerations you can take back to the team including:
Key Performance and Developer Efficiency Metrics: Use these real-time metrics to determine whether an advanced CDN is right for your organization.
Detailed Checklists for Every CDN Feature to Consider: Wondering how to evaluate developer friendly CDNs? The comprehensive eBook includes a detailed checklist for each feature to supercharge your success.
Real-world Success Stories: Don’t take our word for it. The master eBook includes real-world stories so you can model the right CDN implementation for you.