All Research Sponsored By:Verizon

What SD-WAN Means for Today's Businesses
EGUIDE: Learn from Lee Doyle, Principal Analyst at Doyle Research, about how a mature SD-WAN market can bring distributed networks up to speed with simplicity and automation. Then, find out how to exactly tailor SD-WAN for your business needs.
Posted: 17 Apr 2018 | Published: 17 Apr 2018

Unified Communications and Collaboration: Measuring Business Needs and ROI
EGUIDE: In this e-guide, learn how to measure collaboration ROI and discover what enterprises really want from UCC vendors as they adopt more unified communications and collaboration (UCC) tools.
Posted: 30 Mar 2018 | Published: 30 Mar 2018

Changing the Game for Mission-Critical Enterprise Infrastructure
WHITE PAPER: This brief guide highlights one company's platform and how it can increase the overall performance of your cloud computing strategy and architecture.
Posted: 29 Jan 2014 | Published: 31 Dec 2013

For Secure Access, Passwords Alone Do Not Work
WHITE PAPER: This informative paper explores an innovative alternative to passwords. Discover how multifactor authentication can provide a higher level of security than a password alone and find out how this solution can comprehensively enhance your data protection strategy. Read on now to learn more.
Posted: 18 Nov 2013 | Published: 31 Oct 2013

Safeguarding Business in a Time of Expanding and Evolving Cyber Threats
WHITE PAPER: This paper explores how advanced cybersecurity threat management techniques can help companies better prepare for, respond to, and detect advanced cybersecurity threats. It also explores how more advanced cybersecurity threat management capabilities can help organizations detect and respond to threats within days instead of months.
Posted: 18 Nov 2013 | Published: 31 Oct 2013