All Research Sponsored By:PC Connection

Smart Rooms, Smarter Care
WEBCAST: Hospitals and healthcare organizations are expected by today’s patients to provide care that is not only effective but heavily digitized – and comfortable. Discover how Samsung’s digital whiteboards and TVs are designed to revolutionize clinical communication and make a hospital room “smarter” in this webinar.
Posted: 19 Sep 2024 | Premiered: Sep 19, 2024

Digital Workspace Solutions How Businesses Are Increasingly Leveraging AI
INFOGRAPHIC: Nearly 2 in 3 people (64%) lack the time and energy to do their jobs well due to digital debt. But organizations that embrace AI are unleashing creativity at all levels, ushering in a new wave of productivity. Discover the most common use cases of AI in this infographic.
Posted: 26 Aug 2024 | Published: 27 Aug 2024


Why Your Organization Needs AI for Productivity, and How to Leverage It Quickly
BLOG: Discover how AI enhances employee productivity by tackling "digital debt"—the deluge of emails and meetings that impede focus. Embedded AI in PCs offers personalized aid, elevating the user experience. Read on to see how AI can boost your organization's productivity.
Posted: 23 Aug 2024 | Published: 23 Aug 2024