The Symantec Internet Security Threat Report provides a six-month update of Internet threat activity. It includes analysis of network-based attacks, a review of vulnerabilities, and highlights of malicious code. It also assesses trends in phishing and spam activity. This summary of the report will alert readers to trends and impending threats.
Most analysts, including Enterprise Strategy Group, agree that performing only a periodic backup leaves data at risk, and they find that this is a major concern among the IT professionals they survey. The answer to this concern is Cisco Small Business Network Storage Systems (NSS) and Cisco Continuous Data Protection (CDP) for Files software.
One way IT organizations are handling the growing need to achieve IT efficiency is by implementing systems management functions in their business environments. As the business value of Linux based deployment increases, so does the need for Linux systems management. This IDC white paper will examine the key benefits of system management software.
Security breaches can attack a company from a wide range of sources, including the company's own networked PCs and servers. This paper explains how Cisco is merging innovative network security technology with more than 20 years of routing expertise to redefine network security and provide customers with end-to-end network protection.
In about 15 minutes, learn how collaborative case management can be applied across a variety of case management types, become familiar with the components of a successful collaborative case management solution and gain insight on deployment.
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