While desktop virtualisation is nothing new, the coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated the value of providing employees with seamless remote access. In this e-guide we look at the suitability of streaming applications via virtual desktop infrastructure to support employees working from anywhere.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out how the UK's power networks need to be digital transformed to be ready for renewable energy – and the role of open source. Wi-Fi 6 was meant to give a boost to wireless connectivity – we examine why adoption has stalled. And we look at what a quantum datacentre might be like. Read the issue now.
In this issue of CW Europe, we look at analysis by a Dutch newspaper which discovered that government-controlled IT projects in the Netherlands go over budget by 40%, on average. We also find out how Berlin's Digital Career Institute is building web skills among refugees and the unemployed across Germany.
As one of the forerunners in technology adoption, Indian enterprises have been keen to embrace emerging technologies such as AI, IoT and big data, driving an upsurge in storage requirements. In this e-guide, read more about India's storage market, the next frontier of storage technology and flash storage options from the top cloud providers.
Computer Weekly's CW500 Club heard from IT leaders plotting a roadmap to software-defined everything – this presentation was given by Rob White, executive director of the global database group at Morgan Stanley.
The National Museum of Computing has again been looking into Computer Weekly's 50 years of magazine issues for another selection of articles highlighting significant news published in the month of July over the past five decades.
In these uncertain times, making solid predictions for the year ahead looks like a definition of a mug's game. While this has been the fuel for the fire for the boom in applications such as video conferencing as used to support remote working, the same really can be said for the internet of things (IoT).
Archiving for compliance is an important step in securing your company's future. Learn how to implement an email archiving solution that will minimize the burden on your Exchange server and help to avoid costly legal penalties in this whitepaper.
In this whitepaper learn how by combining technologies with NI Lab VIEW parallel programming software and NI TestStand test management software, test engineers can create high-performance test systems.
Inside this magazine, you'll find stories explaining why AMD processor-powered Sun solutions for storage and archiving, Microsoft Exchange 2007 and other applications are receiving rave reviews from customers and analysts alike. There are also several exclusive offers...