Cybercriminals have several methods at their disposal to hack and exploit credit card information. Learn about these, how to prevent them and what to do when hacked.
Cisco PCI Compliance Services assist companies in achieving and maintaining PCI compliance. Read about vulnerability and gap assessments, remediation work to achieve compliance, and continuous monitoring to maintain PCI compliance.
The drive to protect credit card data is vital, but many companies have yet to implement technologies and processes needed to address Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance. This white paper examines top reasons for PCI failure and how to avoid them.
Read this case study to learn how Sourcefire's solutions can help top credit and debit card processors, as well as companies completing far fewer online transactions, in protecting sensitive customer data from cybercriminals.
New white paper on PCI DSS - learn key steps for validating compliance with the PCI Data Security Standard, why companies should take PCI compliance seriously and secrets for successful PCI audits and consistent compliance.
Explore encryption management for credit card data to ensure performance and availability of SAP applications. Learn implementation requirements, hurdles to development, and how you can improve security of sensitive customer information.
A look forward to the 12 months ahead for IT leaders and the key trends of the coming year - this presentation came from Spencer Izard, chief analyst in the enterprise advisory team at Ovum, discussing the major technology trends for this year.
This guide from Vodafone explains how to introduce flexible working, what technologies to consider and how to succeed at implementation.
Financing information technology hardware is an accepted way of doing business. Clients are discovering the benefits of financing software and services and are making financing of software and services one of the fastest-growing segments of the IT financing industry. This paper explains the importance of aligning financing with IT transformation.