sponsored by Ontrack® PowerControls by Kroll Ontrack
Ontrack® PowerControls is a simple yet powerful tool for copying, searching, recovering and analyzing mailbox items directly from Microsoft Exchange Server backups and Information Store files and even from your live Exchange server.
Inside this magazine, you'll find stories explaining why AMD processor-powered Sun solutions for storage and archiving, Microsoft Exchange 2007 and other applications are receiving rave reviews from customers and analysts alike. There are also several exclusive offers...
Enterprise records management (ERM) is an important initiative for many organizations today. Learn about the diversity of records management requirements at the enterprise level and why other solutions fail to meet these requirements.
This white paper explains how records management solutions can be deployed flexibly and cost-effectively across the enterprise to meet the full spectrum of records management needs.
Archiving for compliance is an important step in securing your company's future. Learn how to implement an email archiving solution that will minimize the burden on your Exchange server and help to avoid costly legal penalties in this whitepaper.
sponsored by Symantec Corporation, created by SearchExchange.com
Email has become as mission critical as any other IT system requiring most organizations to evaluate their overall policies and systems for email management. Learn about the most important considerations for successful email archiving.
Read this chapter of the e-book Email Archiving Planning: Policies and Product Selection to learn how to create and implement a comprehensive policy on email archiving that will enforce how users manage and retain email messages.
Learn how you can deploy an active archive approach to the long term retention, preservation, retrieval and disposition of critical business content.
Organizations are increasingly being ordered to produce email messages and other files relevant to electronic discovery - and the penalties for noncompliance with a court's discovery order can be severe. Thus it is vital that every organization manage its electronic data for fast, easy, accurate retrieval when required.