Enterprise Linux Reports

Collaboration without Boundaries
sponsored by Red Hat and JBoss
PRODUCT OVERVIEW: IBM and Red Hat have a single, security-rich collaboration and messaging platform that makes it simple, easy, and affordable to improve organizational productivity and effectiveness. It is much more than a Microsoft Exchange/desktop alternative.
Posted: 20 Apr 2008 | Published: 01 Apr 2008

Red Hat and JBoss

Converting Linux and Windows Physical and Virtual Machines to Oracle VM Virtual Machines
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This document describes the virtual machine conversion functions built into Oracle VM in Release 2.1.2, and how you can plan and execute the virtual machine conversions using Oracle VM.
Posted: 17 Dec 2008 | Published: 17 Dec 2008

Oracle Corporation

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 General Overview
sponsored by Red Hat and JBoss
WHITE PAPER: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 was released in early 2007. Learn about its enhanced level of capabilities and new levels of performance, scalability and security.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 | Published: 01 Feb 2007

Red Hat and JBoss

Red Hat Service-Oriented Architecture
sponsored by Red Hat
WHITE PAPER: Red Hat can alleviate common infrastructure problems by moving organizations toward service-oriented architectures (SOA). High-quality, low-cost, SOA-enabled solutions from Red Hat and JBoss let customers focus their resources on the applications and business processes that differentiate their business and give them a competitive advantage.
Posted: 20 Jul 2009 | Published: 16 Jul 2009

Red Hat

True Enterprise-Quality Linux Support: Edison Group White Paper
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This white paper discovers how organization can increase operational efficiency while cutting costs with Oracle Unbreakable Linux, a support program that delivers enterprise-quality support for Linux at a lower cost.
Posted: 12 Nov 2008 | Published: 12 Nov 2008

Oracle Corporation

MegaCryption v6.2
sponsored by Advanced Software Products Group, Inc. (ASPG, Inc.)
TRIAL SOFTWARE: ASPG's latest enterprise encryption is designed for the prevention of data security breaches and securing data exchanged between business partners for z/OS, Windows, UNIX & Linux.
Posted: 06 Mar 2009 | Premiered: 06 Mar 2009

Advanced Software Products Group, Inc. (ASPG, Inc.)

The Oracle Database Administrator of Tomorrow: The Impact of New Technologies
sponsored by Dell Software
WHITE PAPER: As new technologies become more widely adopted, your role as a database administrator (DBA) will change. This paper outlines the common challenges you face, the critical tasks you perform, and examines the trends will impact your role as a DBA.
Posted: 23 Jun 2008 | Published: 23 Jun 2008

Dell Software

Bank Of New Zealand Reduces Carbon Footprint With Red Hat On The Mainframe
sponsored by Red Hat and JBoss
CASE STUDY: Like a large number of businesses in New Zealand and around the world, BNZ was close to reaching capacity in its datacenter and needed to determine how to maximise space while keeping costs down. In this case study we'll see how BNZ handled this and other challenges by migrating to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 running under z/VM on the mainframe.
Posted: 29 Jul 2009 | Published: 29 Jul 2009

Red Hat and JBoss

Real Technology Lessons
sponsored by Red Hat and JBoss
SOFTWARE DEMO: Forget the jargon, you need real technology to help you get things done. View these simple lessons from Red Hat for open source applications you can trust.
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 | Premiered: 01 Sep 2007

Red Hat and JBoss

Open Source in the Next Computing Wave
sponsored by Red Hat and JBoss
WHITE PAPER: The current economic climate is forcing more systematic thinking about costs in general, including those associated with overall complexity and the security and resiliency of large distributed infrastructures. These trends intersect in powerful ways; a new wave of computing is gathering momentum as a result. And open source is playing a major role.
Posted: 18 Jun 2009 | Published: 09 Jan 2009

Red Hat and JBoss