In this presentation from our CW500 event, director of digital architecture and transformation Chris Boyd explains how Telefonica tackled the challenges of delivering people, cultural and organisational change.
After surveying near 500 European IT sector professionals, the jury is out on what companies across the continent will be spending on in 2021. We dive into what spend will be easier to justify, if budgets for IT companies are on the rise or fall and what the 2021 project rankings are for most in the new year.
Fewer than 10% of CIOs identified themselves and their companies as being advanced in the journey to incorporate technology into their digital business strategies, Deloitte's 2018 CIO survey reveals in the UK edition of its 2018 global CIO survey, Manifesting Legacy: Looking Beyond the Digtal Era.
Each year, Computer Weekly asks IT decision-makers what projects they have planned for the coming year. The effects of the global Covid-19 pandemic were evident in the 2022 TechTarget/Computer Weekly IT Priorities survey. To find out more about the results of this survey download the infographic here.
In performance management, consistency is king. The simple sounding steps-identify and focus on value drivers, and align the organization to drive results - beg the question: What's the best performance management framework? Read this paper to learn more.
Read this paper on enterprise performance to learn about financial and reporting requirements, when to adopt integrated enterprise performance management processes and system software, and hear about customer examples.
The site has continued growing astronomically ever since and is now the No. 1 free online dating site in the world, averaging 8 million unique visitors per month.
This white paper discusses how reduced budgets and growing demands on IT departments have forced organizations to find ways to cut costs, increase IT resource productivity, and optimize existing investments. Find out more about on this topic and how the new Dell Management Console can assist you.