Server virtualization is an important new technology that enables you to reduce data center costs and improve IT's business responsiveness. Download this white paper to learn how one solution can create SAN-enabled virtual machines for your dat...
Data Domain incorporates Multi-Core Intel® Xeon® processors and an Intel® Server Board into new products to help customers reduce the cost and environmental impact of data centers.
Computer Weekly's CW500 Club heard from IT leaders plotting a roadmap to software-defined everything – this presentation was given by Rob White, executive director of the global database group at Morgan Stanley.
The National Museum of Computing has again been looking into Computer Weekly's 50 years of magazine issues for another selection of articles highlighting significant news published in the month of July over the past five decades.
This month's MicroScope ezine looks at the issues around device as a service (DaaS), the outlook from HP and a report from the UK CompTIA conference.
High density computing is today's standard in best-in-class performance and availability, and those that fail to keep pace or fall behind will find themselves no longer competitive in today's markets.
This white paper describes a tested and validated storage solution for a 3000 mailbox Exchange 2007 environment with Single Copy Cluster in a high availability clustering mechanism based on the Microsoft Cluster Service shared storage.
This paper explains the disk options and their capabilities as well as the other new features in NetBackup 6.5 that make up the Enterprise Disk Foundation, also it provides guidance in choosing the appropriate disk options for your environment.
This brochure shows how you can be a superhero by making WebSphere MQ the messaging backbone for your SOA, creating a common connection for the free flow of information.