Security Proxies Reports

A Technical Review of Caching Technologies
sponsored by BlueCoat
WHITE PAPER: The goal of this white paper is to discuss the role of caching, describe in detail how object caching and byte caching works, and show how these caching technologies work together to deliver true performance differentiation.
Posted: 29 Jun 2009 | Published: 17 Dec 2007


How to Gain Visibility and Control of Encrypted SSL Web Sessions
sponsored by BlueCoat
WHITE PAPER: Blue Coat's SSL proxy functionality enables organizations to extend the power of the intelligent and secure proxy appliances to all SSL traffic. Read about how a proxy gives visibility and control of SSL communications.
Posted: 20 Sep 2007 | Published: 01 Jan 2006


Computer Weekly – 27 November 2018: Software patching at scale – how to make it work
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we look at one of the oldest pain points for IT departments – software patching – and ask how to make it less complex across the enterprise. We examine the rise of Kubernetes, the open source container system. And we look at storage strategy to support a multicloud environment. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 26 Nov 2018


CW ASEAN: Unlock flash opportunities
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: Traditional disks can no longer keep up with the needs of modern enterprises. In this issue of CW ASEAN, we take a look at how enterprises are taking to all-flash array storage, and what they need to do to lay the foundation necessary for getting the most out of the technology. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 11 Oct 2018


Computer Weekly@50: What was happening in July
sponsored by TechTarget
EBOOK: The National Museum of Computing has again been looking into Computer Weekly's 50 years of magazine issues for another selection of articles highlighting significant news published in the month of July over the past five decades.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 19 Jul 2016


Computer Weekly – 8 November 2016: The march of the robot workers
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we look at how artificial intelligence is being used to automate existing jobs, such as IT administrators and customer service agents. Capital One's European CIO talks about how to create an agile business. And we offer tips on how to deal with an Oracle software audit. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 08 Nov 2016


Computer Weekly – 21 May 2019: Managing software updates in Windows 10
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out how technology is fighting poverty by increasing financial inclusion. We examine how best to manage the challenges of Microsoft's new plan for ongoing Windows 10 updates. And we find out how data innovation at Lloyd's of London is supporting a wider digital modernisation. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 21 May 2019


Computer Weekly – 26 February 2019: Delving into viewer data at the BBC
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to the BBC about how the UK broadcaster is using data analytics to better understand its viewers and grow its audience. We look at how CERN is using IT automation in its quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe. And we examine the impact of GDPR on cloud storage. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 22 Feb 2019


Computer Weekly – 7 November 2017: The ethics of software development
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: Take a look at this edition of ComputerWeekly to learn more Uber, Volkswagen, and other companies that have experience with software ethics issues, how they've dealt with them, and what the consequences have been.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 03 Nov 2017


Top Ten Database Security Threats: How to Mitigate the Most Significant Database Vulnerabilities
sponsored by Imperva.
WHITE PAPER: This document is intended to help organizations deal with the most critical of those threats by providing a list of the top ten database vulnerabilities as identified by Imperva's Application Defense Center.
Posted: 29 Nov 2013 | Published: 08 Oct 2008
