Server Centralization Reports

Cost-effective High Availability with Veritas Cluster Server
sponsored by Symantec Corporation
WHITE PAPER: High application availability can be achieved through the use of larger clusters; an approach that also results in increased server utilization and reduces costs. Learn about advanced cluster configurations that can improve application availability.
Posted: 05 Dec 2006 | Published: 01 Aug 2004

Symantec Corporation

IBM Systems Solution for Branch Banking: Installation Guide
sponsored by VMware and IBM
BOOK: This IBM Redbook discusses how to install and configure the components of the Systems Solution for Branch Banking, a hardware and software solution that enables banks to provide a common, easy-to-support IT infrastructure in their branc...
Posted: 04 Jun 2007 | Published: 01 Feb 2007

VMware and IBM

A Superior Hardware Platform for Server Virtualization with the Intel Xeon 5500
sponsored by Intel Corporation
IT BRIEFING: To gain full value of virtualization, you need servers that are built to handle the heavy and ever-changing demands of a virtualized and consolidated computing environment. To help you get maximum benefits from virtualization, Intel has built a better physical server platform with unique hardware-assist features to enhance the virtual data center.
Posted: 20 Apr 2009 | Published: 20 Apr 2009

Intel Corporation

Introduction to Virtualization E-book, Chapter 3: Virtualizing A Test And Development Lab
sponsored by Dell EMC and Microsoft
EBOOK: Now is the time to realize all of the benefits of virtualizing your test and development lab. This chapter highlights some of the benefits of consolidating your test and development environments through virtualization, including costs savings, accelerated time to deployment and system consistency throughout your environment.
Posted: 19 Mar 2009 | Published: 19 Mar 2009

Dell EMC and Microsoft

Changing the Economics of Storage Consolidation
sponsored by EMC Corporation
WEBCAST: This Webcast explores ways to simplify IT through the use of IP storage consolidation solutions. View this presentation to learn how you can consolidate your storage without the cost and complexity of Fibre Channel.
Posted: 02 Apr 2008 | Premiered: Apr 2, 2008

EMC Corporation

Open, Manage, and Accelerate SSL Encrypted Applications
sponsored by BlueCoat
WHITE PAPER: Enterprise users and their data have never been further apart. Business pressures that keep employees out of headquarters and close to customers and partners have met head-on with other drivers that are bringing far flung servers back to the datacenter.
Posted: 20 Sep 2007 | Published: 01 Sep 2007


eGuide: Technology Management Strategies for the Midmarket CIO
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
EGUIDE: Learn how midmarket CIOs are re-examining computer infrastructure and realizing a return on their investment while grappling with new challenges.
Posted: 08 Dec 2008 | Published: 08 Dec 2008

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Server Consolidation Yields More than Just Cost Savings for Growing Australian City
sponsored by Intel Corporation
CASE STUDY: The Intel Solution Services team created a proof-of-concept and pilot environment to demonstrate the capabilities of the approach and help the Brisbane City Council IT group learn about the components being used.
Posted: 28 Jul 2004 | Published: 01 Feb 2004

Intel Corporation

Memory Provisioning Recommendations for Vmware Infrastructure 3
sponsored by Kingston Technology Company, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: In order to successfully base server consolidation on VMware Infrastructure 3, it is important to have appropriately sized physical memory. Learn how to determine the right amount of memory for a VI3 deployment and the consequences of sub-optim...
Posted: 19 Oct 2007 | Published: 19 Oct 2007

Kingston Technology Company, Inc.

Server Consolidation: Let's Get Physical and Practical
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: In this document Laura DiDio explains few concepts about making the business and technology case for server consolidation.
Posted: 26 Jan 2009 | Published: 26 Jan 2009

Hewlett Packard Enterprise