This reference guide shows why security matters now more than ever. A strategic security solution empowers organizations to maintain their reputation, meet regulatory compliance standards, protect business information, and optimize business operations. Read on and discover how Cisco can help you meet those objectives.
Because organizations are demanding 24x7 availability from their IMS, DB2®, and VSAM applications, it is imperative that those applications do not experience outages. Read this white paper to find out how BMC's Hybrid Copy techniques help for faster system recovery in the event of a local outage.
This eBook is intended for readers who are already familiar with service oriented architecture (SOA) and who want to learn about IBM's advice on how to be successful with SOA. It is intended for IT and business professionals involved with adopting ...
This presentation transcript is on the Cray CX1 personal supercomputer with ANSYS simulation software. Presenters are Barb Hutchings from ANSYS and Ian Miller from Cray. ANSYS is working with Cray on a joint solution, and the motivation today is the really huge value proposition that high performance computing brings to ANSYS customers.
Server sprawl and underutilization problems plague many data centers, with applications being assigned to a server that rarely uses any more than 5% to 10% of its computing capacity. This e-book explains optimizing server virtualization and server management and can help optimize a virtual server deployment.
Download this exclusive article to gain insight on why a NetApp SnapVault backup system is 54% less expensive than a similar tape-based backup solution over a typical backup product lifecycle.
In this Podcast, learn what key points an organization looks at when thinking about a technology refresh. Gain insight into the value proposition of refreshing IT infrastructure with the Xeon Processor 5500 series and how it is essential for meeting performance, reliability and flexibility requirements
This tour provides an overview of MicroStrategy platform's uniquely powerful enterprise BI capabilities and illustrates the 12 key differentiators between MicroStrategy and Hyperion.
This document is intended to help organizations deal with the most critical of those threats by providing a list of the top ten database vulnerabilities as identified by Imperva's Application Defense Center.