Search Results for: network

Simplify cloud network security on AWS with Check Point (AMER)
Deploy better network security services in the cloud: In the past, customers frequently had to trade off visibility, scalability, or performance when deploying network appliances in the cloud. Now, AWS Gateway Load Balancer enables Check Point CloudGuard customers to efficiently scale out CloudGuard using cloud native networking constructs, while maintaining the original traffic source for applications. In this webinar, learn best practices to improve your security posture with virtual security gateways, advanced threat prevention and policy management, and new ways to consume this as-a-Service. Watch this webinar to learn how to: - Integrate Check Point CloudGuard with GWLB to alleviate the tradeoff concerns of scale, throughput, and visibility - Eliminate single points of failure and scale horizontally - Lower costs by eliminating standby appliances and consolidating VPCs


Preventing Cyber Attacks on Industrial OT Networks and ICS Assets
Cyber criminals are taking advantage of the increase in remote workers due to the coronavirus, by increasing their attacks on IoT devices. Given 92% of industrial organizations use IoT, many organizations are exposed. A range of IoT devices are connected to corporate networks, which extends the attack surface, providing more entry points for hackers. Join the webinar to learn how to prevent industrial-related cyber attacks by: •Exposing all IoT security risks across Industrial and OT networks •Easily creating zero trust policies to secure thousands of IoT devices •Enforcing multi-layered protections at the network and device levels Can't make this session? Please join us for another session on August 13th at 9 am London | 11 am Paris | 4 pm HKT:


Building Network Automations: How to Create Logical Steps for Your Use Case
Getting started with automating network infrastructure requires a logical, step-by-step approach. You should start simple with a relevant use case and translate the process into a series of logical tasks. Then, you can build out integrations and surrounding processes to ensure it works with your infrastructure and meets your standards. Last, you will implement your tasks until the workflow is complete. In the first part of this demo series on how to build automated workflows with Itential, we will “start simple” by identifying a common networking use case and leveraging Itential’s low-code, visual canvas to build a workflow that supports that use case. We will define the logical steps of the workflow using “stub” tasks as placeholders, and then eventually replace those temporary stub tasks with active tasks to create an automation that’s ready to deploy. In this live demo, Rich Martin, Director of Technical Marketing at Itential, will show you step-by-step how to: • Stub out an initial workflow for a simple network automation. • Choose and configure tasks for CLI or API network solutions. • Generate and validate input for the workflow via a form. • Format and translate data between tasks using Data Transformations. • Run and test the workflow as part of the building process.


How to Select High Impact Use Cases to Drive Successful Network Automation
As organizations engage on their initiatives to deliver network automation at scale, the prioritization of use cases becomes an essential component to maximize and sustain delivery of benefits to the business. Automating large use cases can have a huge impact, but the time and cost to automate those cases means that benefits will take time to manifest. “Low hanging fruit” use cases can show quick success, but the benefits on their own may be modest. This raises a critical question – How do organizations select the network automation uses cases that provide the most impact? In Itential’s experience working with hundreds of service providers and enterprises across the world to automate their networks, their team of automation experts has gained first-hand experience in the evaluation, implementation, and execution of thousands of network automation use cases. In this webinar, Itential's VP of Automation Strategy, Morgan Stern, and Customer Success Manager, Holly Holcomb, will draw on this experience to explore what goes into successful use case selection such as: • The process you should take when selecting the use cases that will drive the most impact to your business. • The most popular use cases organizations like yours are starting with. • How to weigh the benefits of tackling low-hanging fruit vs. making big bets.


CTO webinar: Simplifying Network Automation through APIs and Industry Standards
APIs are becoming an essential part of new digital business models. In our latest webinar, PCCW Global’s CTO Paul Gampe and AVP of New Technologies Shahar Steiff explain how APIs can play a transformative role for businesses and their networks. In this webinar, you will discover: • The benefits of APIs for the modern enterprise • The growing importance of API standards • The role of API in network connectivity • How APIs can help with disaster recovery • How APIs can extend value across your entire supply chain


Building a Routed Optical Network for Practical Deployment & Customer Migration
Learn how to transform your network by building a converged IP and optical infrastructure through a set of practical use cases that are aligned to your business initiatives.


Network Security Bytes: Achieving Cyber Resilience Through Consolidated Security
Does your organization use point products from multiple vendors for cybersecurity? You’re not alone. For years, many have responded to the latest threats with point products. This approach created massive complexity, inefficiency, and expense–while increasing risk. It’s time for a strategic, consolidated approach to security. Palo Alto Networks portfolio can streamline your existing security stack, boost efficiencies, and reduce complexity while enabling a threat-informed approach. Register today to learn how Palo Alto Networks can help your organization accelerate cyber transformation. Discover how you can consolidate your security tools while breaking down security silos. Discussion topics include: • Streamlining your existing security portfolio • Boosting efficiencies, reducing complexities and closing critical gaps • Adopting a threat-informed approach to security Here is your opportunity to get the inside track on what’s new in the network security industry.


Securing Critical Data Center Networks with Converged Industrial Edge
The global energy transition, coupled with a steep increase in sophisticated cyber-attacks has crystalized the need for secure, flexible networks for critical infrastructure. As IT and OT networks converge, there’s never been a greater need for a standardized digital infrastructure layer for frictionless information exchange between vendors, systems, devices, and domains. The Converged Industrial Edge solution meets this challenge by providing a Zero-Trust framework for end-to-end communications from Data Center to the industrial device. In this webinar we will cover: • What an end-to-end, Zero-Trust communications network looks like • How the interaction between users, devices, applications, and data fits into your overall cybersecurity strategy • Utilizing a trust-but-verify OT-Security methodology that leverages automated detection and response capabilities to insure safe, reliable, secure operations Join the Juniper, Dragos and SEL teams on June 2nd to learn more!


Securing Critical Data Center Networks with Converged Industrial Edge
The global energy transition, coupled with a steep increase in sophisticated cyber-attacks has crystalized the need for secure, flexible networks for critical infrastructure. As IT and OT networks converge, there’s never been a greater need for a standardized digital infrastructure layer for frictionless information exchange between vendors, systems, devices, and domains. The Converged Industrial Edge solution meets this challenge by providing a Zero-Trust framework for end-to-end communications from Data Center to the industrial device. In this webinar we will cover: • What an end-to-end, Zero-Trust communications network looks like • How the interaction between users, devices, applications, and data fits into your overall cybersecurity strategy • Utilizing a trust-but-verify OT-Security methodology that leverages automated detection and response capabilities to insure safe, reliable, secure operations Join the Juniper, Dragos and SEL teams on June 2nd to learn more!


AI Myth Busters: Uncovering Myths in AIOps for Networking Professionals
Think you know the truth about AI? As an emerging technology, along with facts about its abilities come many myths prompting concern among those who will be impacted by AI. “AI is taking over the IT world.” “AI will take my job.” “AI is not governable.” Truths or myths? Learn the truth. Don’t let the myths hinder your business from adopting AI and AIOps in its network operations. Join this webinar with Juniper AI experts as they discuss the myths and realities of AI and AIOps. Discover how AI can: Reduce operational efforts and improve time to resolution Comb the network for insights, measure against baseline/normal conditions, and call out anomalies Measure end user experience and make sense of data Troubleshoot issues automatically Uncover network issues proactively to prevent negative impacts to users Be governed to ensure it’s ethical and unbiased