Search Results for: network

ZTNA in Private 5G
As organizations continue to modernize their networking, their new 5G environments demand a new approach to security. In this brief video, Palo Alto Network Director of Wireless Solutions, Mitch Rappard, outlines the benefits of Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) in a private 5G network. Watch the video now to learn more.

Hughes Network Systems

Virtual Panel - How Leading Companies Support Remote Work and Digital Experience
Hear from network leaders from Dropbox, Equinix, Netflix, and Zoom about how they are scaling their networks and services during times of unprecedented network demand. Avi Freedman moderates a panel on the following topics: - How these companies have scaled their networks - Best practices for scaling networks for service delivery - Secrets to success for partnering with application teams - Best practices for supporting corporate IT - How to navigate changes to efficiently scale to remote-primary world


How to Integrate Jira with Itential to Automate Change Management Process
As a network engineer, the fun part of the job (and what you were actually hired to do) is real network engineering and making the network operate more securely and efficiently. However, the reality is that making changes to the network also requires that we document those changes in great detail — both before and after the changes are made. Now that network uptime, performance, and security are more important than ever, process and documentation are also critical, and many times network teams spend more time opening, updating, and documenting issues in platforms like Jira than they do working on the network. By integrating the Itential Automation Platform with the Jira Work Management platform, network teams can reclaim valuable time by automating these manual steps, freeing them up to continue to improve the network and positively impact everything that utilizes the infrastructure. In this live demo, Rich Martin, Technical Marketing Engineer at Itential, will show step-by-step how to save time and effort by automating the change management process that surrounds network changes as well as the changes themselves: • Generate an integration to Jira Work Management Cloud Platform. • Create new issues and set initial fields using a Data Transformation. • Update comments on issues with network details captured from pre- and post-check tasks. • Automate transitions to progress an issue’s status from open to completion.


Bringing OT Threat Detection and Response to the Next Level
As the convergence of IT and OT networks accelerates, there is a greater need for centralization of IT and OT information. ICS have grown to become more automated and advanced, but also more connected to conventional and enterprise networks than ever before. This increase in connectivity has helped organizations to reach a higher level of efficiency but it has also exposed ICS networks, and their devices, to new cyber-borne and operational vulnerabilities. Fortinet and Nozomi Networks have partnered to deliver full management and security visibility into every asset of the IT/OT networks.


A Major Threat Looms to CSP and Enterprise SDN/NFV Success
Meeting the demands of the new digital consumer means that every business must become a digital business in order to be successful. This success demands a network transformation but today’s traditional networks and processes will not be able to cope with SDN/NFV network speed and complexity. So the question is - Are we really ready to track performance and fault in the new SDN/NFV networks? Recent research from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA)[1] reveals that two-thirds of early SDN adopters admit that their current infrastructure management investments are ill-prepared to support performance, availability and fault for SDN and NFV. Redefining SDN/NFV Assurance for tomorrow’s networks requires not just a technology change but an operational change as well. In this webinar, CA Technologies, a proud partner in the Intel Network Builders ecosystem, will discuss how to solve the assurance problems inherent in today’s infrastructure management solutions to get the most out of next-generation network investments. [1]'s-Networks:-The-Impacts-of-SDN-and-Network-Virtualization-on-Network-Management


Coffee Talk: Digital Transformation & AIOps: The Future of IT
“Hmmm, I hadn’t thought of that!” When you implement AIOps, you’ll find yourself saying that often! The rise of automation has helped network operators do a better and better job optimizing their networks and providing reliable service. One of the most influential drivers of those improvements is you're learning more and more about your networks as you manage them, and applying that learning where and when you can. Thanks to Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) connected to your network learns more about it faster than we humans ever could. When such AI becomes one of your partners in managing the network, it is referred to as AIOps. AIOps collects, analyzes, and makes recommendations based on a variety of sources, including the network traffic itself, environmental factors, and data coming from other systems connected to yours. In many cases, AIOps will identify opportunities for network improvement that you hadn't thought of! In this session, we’ll examine the growth of AIOps, discussing not only how it can be applied to accelerate improvement to networks, but also how cautious humans can assure that it remains under control and positively productive.


Watch & Learn: Advanced Next-Generation Firewall Deployment
This is the “Best of Ignite” Week. Day 1 will be learning how to deploy an advanced Next-Generation Firewall. Designed for security and network engineers, this session dives deep into Palo Alto Networks security policies and network configuration. It is designed to enhance your understanding of how to configure and manage some of the more advanced features of Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls. This session will focus on firewall and Panorama features useful for deployments in large and complex networks.


Navigating to the Smart Edge
5G networks will rely heavily on data stored at the edge of the network. As compute intensive and latency sensitive applications are hosted on smart edges, it becomes imperative for the network to discover and route to these edges intelligently. In this webinar we will discuss network requirements for mobile edge computing (MEC) and how tunnel-free networking on Intel platforms can enable 5G, MEC, cloud, and IoT to provide superior end-user experiences.


NetOps Expert ep 11:Top 5 Ways to Troubleshoot Issues in Modern Networks
In this latest episode of the NetOps Expert, Nestor Falcon, from the NetOps by Broadcom product team, explains how to troubleshoot issues in modern networks in five easy steps. He will walk us through examples of how a network operations team can use DX NetOps by Broadcom to determine the root cause of a network degradation issue that affected users accessing a cloud application. Read his blog here:


S&P Global’s Multi-Cloud Network Transformation Journey With Itential & Alkira
Enterprise networking has undergone several recent periods of transformation regardless of the scale of network infrastructure and how automation is implemented. The earliest evolution was on-premises automation with tooling like Python, Ansible, and Jenkins. Then the rise of cloud-native networking expanded the scope for connectivity beyond sites, data centers, and SD-WAN, right into the cloud itself. Going forward, we see an evolving enterprise architecture pattern that includes use of multi-cloud network environments and a wide variety of integration with clients & technology partners securely, creating new challenges to solve. For S&P Global, the journey to multi-cloud networking has highlighted the necessity for an innovative approach, while at the same time, it presents exciting opportunities. Using pioneering technologies like Itential for network automation, and Alkira for connecting their multi-cloud networks, S&P Global has been able to transform into industry-leading network architecture pattern. They also fully leveraged abstraction and orchestration capabilities to make the most of the flexibility of a multi-cloud and solved challenges related to agility, integration, and security. In this live webinar, speakers from S&P Global, Alkira, and Itential will walk through how S&P uses Cloud Networking-as-a-Service to dramatically simplify multi-cloud network architecture and introduce scale at an unprecedented pace with automation and orchestration, and how business and tech leaders can understand: • The importance of the integration layers for future-proofing network solutions and enabling business for the future. • Why it’s critical to ensure network technology decisions are driven by business and technology needs, not cost, technical debt, or integration challenges. • How to approach security, as networks continue to grow and change.