Search Results for: network

Life of a CISO - Defending A Compromised Network
Here’s the hard truth: if you haven’t detected an attack/compromise in the last 12 months, it is NOT because it’s not happening – it’s because you’re not looking in the right places. According to Dr. Eric Cole, Founder and CEO of Secure Anchor, a compromise in your network is inevitable – if it isn’t already happening now, it will soon. Given that 100% security simply doesn’t exist, what can you do to control and minimize the damage from attacks? In this podcast, Dr. Cole will provide a playbook for approaching organizational security from this perspective. You’ll learn how a proper foundation for security is key, followed by proactive threat hunting and active defense. You’ll also get a prioritized checklist of actions that you can take right away to reduce the risk of an attack and mitigate one in progress. The constant barrage of security threats is not going to let up, and if you wait to respond, it will already be too late.


The Network Edge: Windows Devices & Their Data
This module dives into the complexities associated with monitoring Windows systems. The landscape of Windows observability presents intricate challenges due to the diverse array of services, applications, and workloads operating on individual hosts. Spanning from web servers to databases, Active Directory to DNS, messaging systems to custom applications, the Windows environment comprises an intricate network of interconnected components, each producing logs, metrics, and events crucial for performance analysis and issue diagnosis. Our aim is to provide guidance in deciphering the wealth of data generated and understanding its inherent value. Interested in learning about the real-time collection and processing of observability data, including metrics and logs, from various endpoints such as Windows machines, applications, and microservices? Be sure to explore our blog for more information.


Ansible network automation with Cisco ACI
Powered by our partners and contributors, Ansible Automation Platform is widely considered a de facto standard in IT automation by developers, the open source community and industry analysts. There’s a good chance your customers are already using Ansible for Network Automation, and they’re looking for supported ways to expand automation—including integrations with Red Hat Connect partner solutions. In this webinar, Cisco will share the benefits they have realized since becoming a Red Hat Ansible Automation Certified Partner. We will cover best practices for new tools and features introduced in the Ansible Automation Platform 2 release (announced at AnsibleFest) and walk through a successful use case for Ansible Content Collections with Cisco. Join us to learn about the benefits of Ansible Automation Platform Certified Content Collections, and leverage the Ansible and Cisco ecosystem to include you, our Red Hat Connect Partners.


A Path to Achieving Network Security ZEN
Finding a balance between a pleasant user experience and stringent security requirements can be a challenge. The need to use a certain username and password for some services while saving additional credentials for other services can contribute to a headache for both security pros and users. Is it even possible to balance security and enhancement of the overall user experience? Adobe believes this is possible. We want to help you achieve this balance by sharing our framework known as Project “ZEN.” Project ZEN at Adobe is an initiative based upon principles found in zero-trust frameworks. Since there is no “off-the-shelf” solution to fully deliver on these principles today, ZEN is an investment in pioneering technology and policies to make the path to a zero-trust network more efficient and attainable. In this session you will: (a) learn about the principles behind Adobe ZEN, (b) understand the Adobe experience so you can start your own journey by leveraging existing security technology investments and targeted automation technologies, and (c) explore common issues you might encounter along the journey, with guidance on overcoming those issues.


A Path to Achieving Network Security ZEN
Finding a balance between a pleasant user experience and stringent security requirements can be a challenge. The need to use a certain username and password for some services while saving additional credentials for other services can contribute to a headache for both security pros and users. Is it even possible to balance security and enhancement of the overall user experience? Adobe believes this is possible. We want to help you achieve this balance by sharing our framework known as Project “ZEN.” Project ZEN at Adobe is an initiative based upon principles found in zero-trust frameworks. Since there is no “off-the-shelf” solution to fully deliver on these principles today, ZEN is an investment in pioneering technology and policies to make the path to a zero-trust network more efficient and attainable. In this session you will: (a) learn about the principles behind Adobe ZEN, (b) understand the Adobe experience so you can start your own journey by leveraging existing security technology investments and targeted automation technologies, and (c) explore common issues you might encounter along the journey, with guidance on overcoming those issues.


Sentinel LDK SL Network-Cloud
This is an overview and a live demo of the Sentinel LDK Software Network and Cloud licenses, and their activation workflow. Visit for more information. Sentinel is the leading global brand for software licensing, delivery and protection. Our software solutions help customers to generate new revenue streams, improve operational efficiency, to increase customer satisfaction and gain valuable business insights. Based on award-winning technology, Sentinel has a strong global customer base with over 10,000 customers, in 30 industries located in over 100 countries. Follow us on LinkedIn Follow us at Twitter Follow us at Facebook Subscribe to our YouTube


Removing the Blindfold to Better Network Security
The COVID-19 pandemic drove many companies to rapidly deploy cloud solutions to support the overnight shift to remote working. However, the speed of this adoption meant this process was often rushed, leaving many organizations exposed to new security risks. With the pandemic easing and the world entering a ‘new normal’, businesses can no longer be complacent about this issue. The risk is too great – to your brand, your share price and your customers. Amid this environment, and following a surge high-profile cyber-attacks this year, now is the time to pause and re-examine your cloud security to gain a true understanding of your complete attack surface. Better visibility of your network is critical to ensure the most efficient and effective use of your current and future security investment. This panel of cloud security experts will examine: • What are the real consequences of an attack to a business? • How gaps in your security can so easily be missed, particularly following the adoption of new technologies • How do you maintain the required vigilance to keep up with the growing risk of cyber-attacks?


Observability for Performance and Availability in Healthcare Networks
In an industry like healthcare, where scheduling downtime for network upgrades and enhancements is a challenge, unplanned slowdowns and outages can be crippling. This informative 20-minute talk highlights strategies to avoid performance and availability issues and reduce the time to troubleshoot issues when they occur. Gather the team and join us to learn how observability with NETSCOUT’s nGenius Enterprise Performance Management solution, leveraging both packet-level details and synthetic business transaction testing, helps address complex, multi-vendor, hybrid-cloud environments managed by healthcare IT professionals. Join this discussion for expert insight on: • Trends for healthcare CIO goals and objectives • Importance of performance and user experience for critical healthcare services, such as EMR, imaging, telemedicine, and e-prescription services • Cost of downtime - impact of slowdowns and outages on patient care, revenue, and medical staff productivity • Effectiveness of deep packet inspection for troubleshooting performance problems • Value of early warning of emerging issues in cutting troubleshooting time • Importance of observability throughout the healthcare ecosystem


Unparalleled Network Performance and App Connectivity
Workforces have become increasingly more remote and distributed. Enterprises are having to take a hard look at how they secure their internet traffic and their access to mission-critical applications. Allowing organizations to implement real-time security features and controls without users noticing or complaining that performance is affected, enables network professionals to secure the enterprise in a way they never could be before. Watch this webinar and learn how Netskope NewEdge—the world’s largest, highest-performing security private cloud—can help your organization deliver the best possible security and performance - without trade-offs. Here’s what we’ll cover: - How Netskope delivers superior performance with unrivaled resiliency - How Netskope NewEdge powers real-time, inline security services allowing security to be deployed at the edge where and when it’s needed - Why the Netskope private cloud provides control, performance, and visibility beyond providers hosted on public cloud infrastructure - Why SASE embedded Proactive Digital Experience Management (P-DEM) is a crucial visibility component to help manage your users' digital experience


Part 1 - Managing Networking and Connectivity
Today organizations and businesses’ operations depend on technology to achieve optimal levels of productivity and efficiency and drive world-class business outcomes and superior success. ITSM solutions are crucial to ensure regulatory compliance and create a security perimeter that can protect data and users everywhere in the cloud, without introducing friction to the business. We bring our deep IT industry and functional expertise and a range of perspectives to illustrate how to design and deliver ITSM solutions that unlock the full potential of remote work and modern cloud-based solutions. ITSM systems are essential to: • GENERATE BUSINESS VALUE FROM A SINGLE PANE OF GLASS Bring all applications, systems, and third-party solutions together and unify their management and optimization to deliver more value and meet customer needs and business requirements. • ALIGN IT AND BUSINESS TO CONNECT EMPLOYEES, CUSTOMERS, AND EXTERNAL PROVIDERS Deliver company-wide service transparency and efficiency to turn best-practice ITSM principles into strategic value while making business more efficient, compliant, and secure. Join us to learn about the challenges and benefits of using ITSM systems to: • Manage Enterprise Connectivity and SASE solutions to modernize the networking infrastructure and support a remote workforce • Use SASE and Zero Trust solutions, platforms and frameworks to sustain the evolution of workforce security and productivity • Protect and secure the North-South traffic and improve security, lower costs, and simplify operations • Monitor the main metrics needed to guide the delivery of enterprise-grade services • Adopt a Zero Trust Security approach to secure the Digital Edge delivers world-class Employee Experiences and User Experiences