Search Results for: network

Quantum Networking Hardware: Entangled Photon Sources
Quantum Networking solutions use a wide range of hardware components, including entangled photon sources. These critical components are essential to the process of end-to-end entanglement that underpins provably secure communications. Michelle Chalupnik, Research Software Engineer at Aliro, and Suparna Seshadri, Research Scientist at Aliro, will explain how entangled photons are created and used in Quantum Networks. We’ll cover the highly technical details of this essential hardware, but an extensive background in physics is NOT necessary to gain a better understanding of entangled photon sources. You will learn: - Introduction to nonlinear optical processes and how they are used for entanglement generation - Explanation of how spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) and spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM) generate entangled photons - A detailed discussion on SPDC and related subtopics, such as phase matching, and collinear vs non-collinear SPDC - Hardware platforms for generating entangled photons via SPDC and SFWM. - How a Sagnac loop-based polarization entangled source works - What is hyperentanglement? Organizations who are preparing their businesses, security posture, and connectivity for the evolving threat landscape are investigating how to plan, design, and implement Quantum Networking solutions today. This webinar will help prepare you to navigate the security threats of the future.


The SASE approach to architecting better networking and security
In this Packet Pushers episode, we’re going to talk about what SASE means to you as a network engineer, its affects on how applications are protected and how you provide access to end users, and useful things to think about as to how SASE services are provisioned and operated while you evaluate whether SASE is right for your org.


Building Network Automations: How to Get Started Step-by-Step
Getting started with automating network infrastructure requires a logical, step-by-step approach. You should start simple with a relevant use case and translate the process into a series of logical tasks. Then, you can build out integrations and surrounding processes to ensure it works with your infrastructure and meets your standards. This webinar demonstrates how to translate this process into practice. In the second part of this demo series on how to build automated workflows with Itential, Rich Martin, Director of Technical Marketing at Itential, will show you step-by-step how to: • Build pre-check and post-check tasks into a network automation. • Parse and evaluate result data from previous tasks. • Integrate with IT systems to access data for the automation (IPAM). • Format and translate data between tasks using Data Transformations. • Run and test the workflow as part of the building process.


Security & Survivability: Is Your Voice Network Secure and Resilient?
Experts from Ribbon will define points of risk to consider when offering a voice solution and how to protect your network. In addition, we will discuss best practices for building optimized survivability, as your customers expect from their local service provider. You should know when the cloud is not answering, and how to make sure your customers can complete a call.


Measuring & Maximizing the Business Impact of Network Automation
As networks become more complex, the rate of change is exceeding human capacity and automation is needed to scale. Automation provides opportunities to re-engineer business processes and shift from human-centric processes to machine-centric in order to maximize business value. However, given all of the choices involved in selecting and implementing an automation platform, decision makers should focus on evolving their ability to evaluate options and measure the business impact of network automation through creating a metric driven automation strategy. In this webinar, we’ll dive into the following: • Getting started with measuring automation value by selecting the right use cases. • How to measure success factors for an effective automation strategy. • Constructs of a framework for assessing automation value. • Key metrics to consider when evaluating automation solutions. • Considerations for scaling automation strategies to support business objectives.


How to Strengthen your Security Posture Beyond the Network Edge
The network perimeter no longer exists. And this isn’t just theory. This is evident in the massive amount of data breaches we’ve seen in the last five years, the vast majority of which happened as a result of trust being abused inside of the perimeter. The problem is further compounded by the fact that applications which were designed to live inside of a network perimeter often have the worst security profiles. Join Andy Crail, EMEA Manager Solutions Engineering with Akamai Technologies, as he discusses how to move beyond perimeter security, and focus on: - How trust is not an attribute of location - Why a pessimistic view on security where every machine and user should be untrusted until proven otherwise is the future - How Google BeyondCorp and Software Defined Parameters can help mitigate attacks focused on north/south traffic - How microsegmentation can help mitigate attacks focused on east/west traffic - Best practices to adopt a zero trust, continuously adaptive risk and trust security model


Managing Signaling Control in Complex Mobile Networks
NetNumber Founder and Chief Strategy Officer Doug Ranalli describes the technical and business burdens of signaling complexity on converged mobile networks. Attendees will learn from real-world examples of how operators have deployed NetNumber TITAN to bring simplicity to signaling control, and why virtualization alone isn’t the answer.


How to build a network architecture across AWS and Azure
Learn how organizations are creating a multi-cloud network and security architecture that meets requirements for scale, performance and automation. The session will highlight best practices for creating a multi-cloud architecture, proven design patterns for key use cases in AWS and Azure. This will take into account critical operational and troubleshooting requirements.


Learn how to spin up a cloud network in minutes (emea)
Aviatrix Sandbox Starter is a tool that deploys a multi-cloud, multi-region network in minutes. Have you wanted to learn more about this tool but didn’t know where to start? What are the prerequisites? Is there a cost? What test cases will I be able to run? In this Tech Talk, solutions architects will give you an introduction to how you can explore this SaaS-like automation tool.


Frost & Sullivan: A Holistic Approach to Networking & Security
Edge computing helps organizations reduce latency, obtain real-time data quickly and efficiently, and derive valuable insights they can use to enhance their business processes. Due to the rapid adoption of cloud, multi-cloud, and IoT; smarter edge use cases for modern retail, healthcare, and manufacturing; and a distributed workforce, today’s employees can work from anywhere. But with a distributed workforce comes the need to connect more securely to cloud-based applications. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) combines the flexibility of SD-WAN technology with a full suite of security services delivered from the cloud. SASE points of presence (PoPs) provide networking and security functions closer to the user, enabling fast and more secure access. As your organization looks to embrace hybrid cloud and remote working trends, it’s essential to consider a SASE framework and the business value it can deliver for your digital transformation journey. Presented by Frost & Sullivan, and based on the report, “As Edge Computing Gains Traction, the Business Case for SASE is Stronger than Ever” in this webinar you’ll discover: • The role of Edge computing in enterprise application modernization • How market trends highlight the demand for the cloud-delivered network, compute and security SASE delivers • What you need to consider when selecting a SASE framework • Benefits and cost savings of a centrally orchestrated network and security platform