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CW Europe – June-August 2019: Why are Dutch companies slow to take up the advantages of IoT?

Becoming a test bed and creating a deep skills pool and regulatory framework for the adoption of technology is a goal for city and state governments across the world. Just look at how the UK has accommodated financial technology (fintech).

Such speed in adopting new technologies does not come without its challenges, however. In this issue of CW Europe, we feature an investiga­tion into how the rapid roll-out of 5G in Europe is a concern for scientists. Some in the science community have raised questions about the effects of 5G mobile phone radiation on public health and are calling for a precau­tionary approach to its adoption.

Estimates suggest at least one major city in every state in the European Union (EU) is set to have a 5G mobile phone service in operation by next year, and by 2025 three-quarters of the European population is expected to have 5G access.

These are also closely related to: "CW Europe E-Zine Demo"

  • Why is there an ethical debate around AI?

    France’s has many hopes and fears for artificial intelligence as well as the opportunity it has to become a world leader in the field. But there is work to be done first, because according to a 2016 survey, half of the French population is downright scared of artificial intelligence.

    If AI is frightening the general public, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) should be a concern for businesses across Europe - if they are not prepared for it, that is. Read in this issue why organisations are falling into this category.


  • CW Europe - March-May 2020: Experts examine Dutch government’s IT problems

    Tech experts discuss the challenges and potential solutions to the Netherlands government’s IT problems. Also read about Russia’s VTB and Rostelecom’s creation of a platform to utilise big data technology, and how one man’s blog in Sweden turned into a healthcare app to support cancer sufferers.

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  • Dutch organisations demand more from government

    In this e-guide read about the findings of an investigation into the IT used by the Dutch government. It doesn't make good reading for the government, but sends a strong message that serious work needs to be done. Also read how a cyber-security organisation is calling Dutch government to push towards the creation of electronic IDs for citizens.


  • CW Europe – December 2018

    Dutch military intelligence have released a lot of details about the attempted to hack into the networks of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague.


  • CIO Trends #10: Benelux

    If CIOs ever needed a reminder of the predatory cyber criminals that circle their organisations, Travelex's woes is a big one. Also find out how close autonomous ships are to regularly docking in Dutch ports. Read more about it in this issue of our CIO Trends Benelux series.


  • CW Europe – March 2018

    Cities in continental Europe will be eyeing opportunities to attract more startup firms in view of the potential scenario that London and the UK more widely might lose their appeal to entrepreneurs after Brexit.


  • CW Benelux ezine August 2016

    In this issue of CW Benelux we describe how data scientists in the Netherlands have applied technology to art.


  • CW Europe - June-August 2022: Russia escalates cyber war on Ukraine

    Microsoft has given details of cyber attacks on Ukrainian civilian communications, nuclear safety authorities, and the exploitation of the destruction of Mariupol in a phishing campaign.


  • CW Europe: December 2016 - February 2017

    Security continues to be a huge pan-European challenge for governments and businesses harnessing the latest technologies. In this quarter's CW Europe, we feature two articles focusing on security in Europe and what authorities and IT firms are doing to reduce risks.


  • CW Europe - June-August 2020: 5G rush in Russia

    Russian mobile operators are pooling their resources to help them overcome the technical challenges of creating 5G networks. Also read how Swedbank is rebuilding its anti-money laundering systems after a damning report, and how a public-private partnership in the Netherlands is helping to combat cyber fraudsters.


  • CW Europe - June-August 2020: 5G rush in Russia

    Russian mobile operators are pooling their resources to help them overcome the technical challenges of creating 5G networks. Also read how Swedbank is rebuilding its anti-money laundering systems after a damning report, and how a public-private partnership in the Netherlands is helping to combat cyber fraudsters.


  • CW Europe - September-November 2021: Dutch researchers build security software to mimic human immune system

    In this issue of CW Europe, find out how researchers in the Netherlands are attempting to help IT systems fight certain cyber attacks in a similar way to the human immune system works. Also find out about the so-called "Klarna academy" in Stockholm, which has created the next set of Nordic fintech entrepreneurs.


  • CW Europe – September 2018: Costs stack up for Dutch government IT projects

    In this issue of CW Europe, we look at analysis by a Dutch newspaper which discovered that government-controlled IT projects in the Netherlands go over budget by 40%, on average. We also find out how Berlin's Digital Career Institute is building web skills among refugees and the unemployed across Germany.


  • Is the Netherlands keeping up with modern pace of digital change?

    In this quarter's CW Benelux ezine, we ask whether the Netherlands is suffering from digital delusion and if it is losing ground in the digital world.


  • CW Benelux - August-October 2020: Problems with critical security systems at Schiphol Airport

    Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam is one of Europe's main access points, so you might be surprised to read that IT systems such as those controlling the Dutch borders are rarely tested. In this issue, read about a critical report from the Dutch Court of Audit.


  • CW Benelux - August-October 2020: Problems with critical security systems at Schiphol Airport

    Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam is one of Europe’s main access points, so you might be surprised to read that IT systems such as those controlling the Dutch borders are rarely tested. In this issue, read about a critical report from the Dutch Court of Audit.


  • CIO Trends #9: Benelux

    In this e-guide we reveal why Dutch authorities temporarily halt datacentre construction, how Luxembourg attracts the growing IT companies. Also, read on for details of blockchain confusion in the Netherlands as well as how a local academic is unmasking cybercriminals.


  • Top 10 Benelux IT stories of 2018

    The Netherlands and Belgium might be small in terms of population and land area, but they are leading nations when it comes to the use of technology in society. There are numerous examples of the transformative nature of IT in the Netherlands and Belgium in this top 10, such as plans for autonomous ships and smart city developments.


  • CW EMEA - April 2024: The blueprint for safe GenAI

    In the Netherlands, the government has formulated a vision document to guide its citizens and businesses on the safe and responsible use of GenAI.


  • CW Benelux - August-October 2021: Netherlands sees increase in the number of women opting for an ICT career

    The IT skills gap in the Netherlands could be about to narrow as more women take up jobs in the sector. Figures from last year revealed that the number of female ICT professionals grew by 6.5%, while the number of male ICT professionals increased by only 1.7%. Read more about it in this issue.


  • CW Europe - December 2021-February 2022: Norway embraces internet of things

    Norway is becoming a centre of IoT innovation as tech developers tackle some of the country's unique challenges, in areas such as fish farming, power distribution and monitoring of boats.


  • Benelux: New skills in a digital world

    In this e-guide, we look at some of the technologies being adopted in the Benelux region. This gives a taste of what is in demand. Read about how Dutch organisations and the Netherlands in general are witnessing the rise of technologies like virtual reality, no-code programming platforms, smart neighbourhood, as well as fintech.


  • CW Europe - December 2022 - February 2023: Finland prepares for drone technology take-off

    Finland is preparing for a future where it could rely on flying drone technology. Read about its plans in this issue. Also find out how a PhD student in the Netherlands is helping to detect hidden messages on the internet by using steganography.


  • CW Benelux - May 2020: IT budgets up in the air as Covid-19 disrupts business

    Computer Weekly's annual IT priorities survey was carried out before the arrival of Covid-19 disrupted business plans. It found that more than half of the IT leaders in the Benelux region expected budgets to be higher this year than last, and digital transformation was to be the main recipient of budget increases.


  • CW Europe – March-May 2019: Robots deliver savings for Dutch postal service PostNL

    European businesses have bought into the digital revolution, with the adoption of the latest technologies like automation enabling companies to transfer their internal operations.


  • CW Europe December 2019: Deutsche Bank creates innovation division

    German investment banking giant Deutsche Bank is opening a division focused on innovation as part of its plan to digitise all business operations. Read more details in this edition of CW Europe.


  • CW Europe - September-November 2020: IT expertise in banks' boardrooms reduces risk, says European regulator

    The European Central Bank has found that banks with the most IT expertise in the boardroom have better control in several IT risk categories, including fewer successful cyber attacks and less downtime of critical IT systems.


  • CIO Trends #8: Benelux

    In this e-guide we reveal how the Netherlands are taking the lead in cybersecurity; how Brussels is gearing up to be an insurtech hub and why the Dutch decided to share details of a Russian hacking of a major organisation with the rest of the world.


  • CIO Trends #8: Benelux

    In this e-guide we reveal how the Netherlands are taking the lead in cybersecurity; how Brussels is gearing up to be an insurtech hub and why the Dutch decided to share details of a Russian hacking of a major organisation with the rest of the world.


  • CW Europe - March-May 2021: Nordic tech startups create blueprint for post-Covid working environment

    Business can learn lessons from Nordic tech startups to prepare employees to return to the office after Covid restrictions end.


  • CW EMEA - May 2023: The future of work

    In this month's CW EMEA, we look at the future of work in Europe after the pandemic forced a change in entrenched human behaviour. We also look at the increasing problem of IT failures in Dutch hospitals and how they are affecting patient care, highlighting the need to improve IT security in hospitals. Read the issue now.


  • CW Benelux - February-April 2021: Is reluctance to report cyber crimes in the Netherlands helping the criminals to get away?

    According to an academic study in the Netherlands, only one in seven Dutch people report a cyber crime to the police when it happens - feeling it is better to sort the problem out themselves because they don't think the police will do anything.


  • Top 10 enterprise IT in the Benelux region stories of 2019

    The Netherlands is usually seen as a forward-thinking nation when it comes to developing and adopting the latest IT, but it seems its government is not doing particularly well in this respect. Here are Computer Weekly's top enterprise IT in the Benelux region stories of 2019.


  • CW Benelux August 2019: Dutch academic seeks the personality behind the cyber criminal

    There is at least one person behind every cyber attack, but beyond that insight, very little known is about them. Rutger Leukfeldt, senior researcher on cyber crime at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, has been trying to get inside the minds of hackers.


  • CW Benelux November 2019-January 2020: Dutch banks fight money laundering

    Dutch banks have decided to work together in the fight against money laundering. Globally, only about 3% of money laundering activity is detected and stopped.


  • CIO Trends #11: Benelux

    The Netherlands is a nation leading the world in terms of digital, so it is to be expected that bit also leads the works in securing digital assets. In this e-guide read about a report that has damning conclusions on the IT security of some of the airport's core systems.


  • CIO Trends #11: Benelux

    The Netherlands is a nation leading the world in terms of digital, so it is to be expected that bit also leads the works in securing digital assets. In this e-guide read about a report that has damning conclusions on the IT security of some of the airport's core systems.


  • CW Europe September 2019: Netherlands authorities halt datacentre construction and call for a policy rethink

    The Netherlands has for years attracted datacentre investment and has seen major construction projects. Amsterdam alone has 33 datacentres within a radius of 20km. So when the local authority in Amsterdam and Haarlemmermeer called an immediate halt to datacentre construction, it was a shock.


  • CW Europe - June-August 2021: Amsterdam reins back datacentre developments over environmental concerns

    The construction of datacentres in the Netherlands' Amsterdam region has accelerated at such a pace that their demands for electricity are causing concern, prompting city authorities and datacentre operator to open a dialogue about sustainable datacentre industry expansion.


  • CW Benelux May 2018

    GDPR becomes law at the end of this month, so we take a look at how organisations in the Netherlands are preparing for it. Cover your eyes if you are squeamish as you only have days left to get things right.We lead this issue with a story published in February, so perhaps things have changed. But if not, some organisations should be concerned.


  • CW Benelux February 2018

    In this issue, read about how and why one public sector IT professional in the Netherlands, Victor Gevers, took a whole year out to hack ethically and, in the process, unearthed about 1,000 vulnerabilities.


  • Europe IT Priorities 2016

    Every year, Computer Weekly and TechTarget conduct a global survey of our readers to understand their technology spending priorities for the coming 12 months. Our research offers a unique insight into the purchasing decisions of IT decision-makers worldwide.


  • CW EMEA - June 2023: IT budgets buck trend

    Despite gloomy economic conditions worldwide, IT leaders in EMEA expect budgets to increase this year, according to TechTarget/Computer Weekly's IT Priorities survey. We also look at how health authorities in the UAE are modernising healthcare services, how Finland and Estonia are sharing expertise, and how the Dutch government is addressing bias.


  • CW EMEA - November 2023: Let the data flow

    In this month's CW EMEA ezine, we find out about Heineken's mission to make the most out of the data it holds through an enterprise-wide data ecosystem. We also look at how the UK has turned its back on the German government-funded Gaia-X data platform. Read the issue now.


  • CW Europe – March 2017

    Technology advancements in recent years have brought about huge social challenges. Artificial intelligence and big data, for example, have gained the serious attention of policy makers across the world.


  • CW Europe – September-November 2017

    In this quarter's CW Europe, read about a political crisis in Balkan state with tech at its centre. The country has been accused of using surveillance technology for covert spying. Protests related to this were instrumental in the ruling party losing power after 10 years.


  • CW Benelux - May-July 2021: Netherlands university launches centre of expertise in applied AI

    Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences has launched a centre of expertise in applied artificial intelligence, and students from all faculties of the university will learn how to apply AI in their field of study.


  • Quantum computing in action

    In this e-guide, we look at Finland and how state investment is being used in a milestone project involving public and private sector organisations to understand the applications of the technology. And we hear how Spanish bank BBVA is examining the complex financial problems that could be solved by quantum computing.


  • Amsterdam datacentre industry at a moment of reckoning

    The Netherlands is a fast growing datacentre location, as you can also read in this e-guide, and these constructions are taking up a lot of space and putting pressure on the local electricity grid. Read more about this and more in this e-guide.
