All Research Sponsored By:GEM

Recruiting Benchmarks
RESEARCH CONTENT: Explore industry benchmarks for recruiting outreach, funnel conversion rates, and hiring trends across company size, role, industry, and demographics. Download this comprehensive report to gain insights and optimize your talent acquisition strategy.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 12 Jun 2024

AI and You
EBOOK: Download this e-book to explore the practical implications of AI and how it relates to you and your world. Discover the insights and guidance this text-based guide provides on the topic of artificial intelligence.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 20 Jun 2024

Communicating Culture to Attract Top Talent
EBOOK: Discover the elements of a strong recruitment marketing strategy to attract top talent. Learn how to define your EVP, create candidate personas, leverage social media, and more. Download this e-book to build an effective inbound recruiting program.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 20 Jun 2024

Unlocking the CFO’s Support
WHITE PAPER: To secure a recruiting CRM, show your CFO how it solves critical hiring challenges and delivers ROI through cost savings. Download this guide to build a CFO-proof business case for your recruiting CRM.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 20 Jun 2024

6 Hiring Dashboards Every Recruiting Team Needs
WHITE PAPER: Discover the 6 hiring dashboards every recruiting team needs to centralize data, visualize trends, and optimize the hiring process. Download this white paper to learn how to build the perfect dashboard for your organization.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 12 Jun 2024

Mastering Recruitment Metrics An In-Depth Guide
EBOOK: Discover how to leverage recruitment metrics to transform recruiters into talent acquisition authorities, debug hiring funnels, forecast progress, and demonstrate recruiting's impact on the business. Download the in-depth guide to learn more.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 12 Jun 2024