Enterprise Business Intelligence Multimedia

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Microsoft Dynamics GP Trial
sponsored by Microsoft
TRIAL SOFTWARE: Download this complimentary trial and see how it delivers business intelligence capabilities through a broad range of flexible, customizable analytics, reporting and budgeting tools to meet your company's needs.
Posted: 10 Mar 2008 | Premiered: 07 Feb 2007


Introducing IBM's Balanced Warehouse
sponsored by IBM Software Group
WEBCAST: Data warehousing and business intelligence (BI) have evolved. Learn about a cost-effective data warehouse system with advanced analytics that delivers high performance and flexibility to address changing business needs.
Posted: 28 Nov 2007 | Premiered: Nov 1, 2007

IBM Software Group

THINWORX Version 4.0
sponsored by THINWORX
TRIAL SOFTWARE: download this trial software which addresses the high cost and complexity of implementing a server based computing solution.
Posted: 22 Jan 2009 | Premiered: 22 Jan 2009


Video Whitepaper: Seven Tips for Profiting from Lean Times with CRM
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
VIDEO: The best time to streamline and turbo-charge the sales process is when competitors are looking the other way. That's why now is a good time to make the shift to a CRM solution that can catapult your organization into the next round of growth.
Posted: 10 Jun 2009 | Premiered: 10 Jun 2009

Oracle Corporation

QuickTour Demo: Key Differentiators between MicroStrategy and Cognos
sponsored by MicroStrategy
WEBCAST: This tour provides an overview of MicroStrategy platform's uniquely powerful enterprise BI capabilities and illustrates the 12 key differentiators between MicroStrategy and Cognos.
Posted: 09 Jun 2008 | Premiered: Jun 7, 2008


Operational Business Intelligence: Accelerate Performance and Lower Your TCO
sponsored by IBM Cognos
WEBCAST: Learn how to make operational BI easy for your organization with real-time delivery of data, fast deployment and pervasive use and adoption by operational users.
Posted: 03 May 2007 | Premiered: May 22, 2007, 14:00 EDT (18:00 GMT)

IBM Cognos

Choose Your Collaboration Destiny
sponsored by IBM
VIDEOCAST: Test your skills real-time and learn how IBM collaboration solutions - backed by Web 2.0 technology - are greatly assisting businesses to take collaboration to the next level across employees customers, suppliers, and partners.
Posted: 13 Aug 2008 | Premiered: Aug 13, 2008


Remote Data Protection Demo
sponsored by IBM
SOFTWARE DEMO: Backup is a pretty complex ecosystem. There's data explosion, increasing recovery demands, a shrinking backup window and a limited IT budget. In this webinar you'll hear 2 key backup experts discuss the best practices around critical success factors.
Posted: 31 Oct 2008 | Premiered: 30 Oct 2008


Introduction to crystalreports.com
sponsored by Business Objects
WEBCAST: Sharing reports over the Web is convenient and efficient, yet if it is not done securely, the information can be easily compromised. Attend this Webcast to learn how your business can instantly and securely deliver reports to improve productivity and ...
Posted: 16 May 2007 | Premiered: Apr 25, 2007

Business Objects

Download the Trial: IBM Rational Performance Tester
sponsored by IBM
TRIAL SOFTWARE: Download a free trial of IBM Rational Performance Tester, a performance testing tool, which identifies the presence and cause of system performance bottlenecks.
Posted: 02 Feb 2009 | Premiered: 30 Jan 2009