Financing information technology hardware is an accepted way of doing business. Clients are discovering the benefits of financing software and services and are making financing of software and services one of the fastest-growing segments of the IT financing industry. This paper explains the importance of aligning financing with IT transformation.
In the current economy, leasing can be a particularly attractive option for companies looking to deploy state-of-the-art technology while also conserving capital resources. Read this white paper and find out if leasing is right for your organization.
The drive to protect credit card data is vital, but many companies have yet to implement technologies and processes needed to address Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance. This white paper examines top reasons for PCI failure and how to avoid them.
New white paper on PCI DSS - learn key steps for validating compliance with the PCI Data Security Standard, why companies should take PCI compliance seriously and secrets for successful PCI audits and consistent compliance.
Explore encryption management for credit card data to ensure performance and availability of SAP applications. Learn implementation requirements, hurdles to development, and how you can improve security of sensitive customer information.
Enterprise social applications are the next generation of collaboration and productivity tools, capturing the interpersonal knowledge of workers and the implicit connections among people, systems, and data.
Download this white paper for an extensive summary of The Performance Manager, Proven Strategies for Turning Information into Higher Business Performance, a book that examines the partnership between decision-makers and the people who provide them with information to drive better decisions.
This white papers talks about the challenges facing the UK annuity market and the strategies that can be taken by the product providers to meet them. The paper also talks about how Wipro can partner with providers to tap the
opportunities present in the marketplace.