The GlobalSCAPE HS-PCI solution provides a comprehensive mechanism to quickly bring your organization into compliance with key requirements.
This whitepaper details the background you need to build an effective compliance program by understanding benchmarks, the basic building blocks of compliance initiatives. You'll learn about the benchmarks specified by the Center for Internet Security (CIS), which are often used as a starting point for creating a compliance initiative.
This whitepaper, written in conjunction with Ashland Partners, explains the steps to becoming Global Investment Performance Standards compliant.
Following on the heels of corporate scandals at Enron, WorldCom, and others, global investors are demanding stricter corporate governance and compliance requirements for publicly held companies. Read this whitepaper to learn more about the issues, principles, and technologies underlying new requirements in corporate governance.
This white paper written by Advent Software outlines how hedge funds can create a "culture of compliance" with best practice ideas for accurate record keeping and reporting, transparency in operations and, putting the interests of investors first.
What's arguably the single greatest barrier to the fast close has remained constant - the completion of the intercompany reconciliation process. This paper examines the issues behind intercompany reconciliation and outlines how companies can make impressive progress when they employ software solutions such as those from SAP Business Objects
Major data breaches have caused untold damage. These unfortunate events have led to the creation of a data security standard (PCI DSS) that all payment card industry members must comply to. This white paper helps to simplify and provide a deeper understanding of the PCI DSS v1.1 and discusses best practices to achieve PCI compliance.
To successfully sustain compliance, organizations must implement best practices to ensure IT systems not only achieve a known and trusted state but they also maintain that state. Check out this white paper to learn how Tripwire solutions enable organizations to achieve and sustain SOX compliance.
This paper reviews the main issues facing today's banks, as well as an approach to designing, implementing, managing and maintaining an effective data governance support structure - all while helping banks maintain compliance to government regulations.
The drive to protect credit card data is vital, but many companies have yet to implement technologies and processes needed to address Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance. This white paper examines top reasons for PCI failure and how to avoid them.