IP Mediation Software White Papers

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Two Billion Entry Directory Benchmark
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This benchmark evaluates Oracle Internet Directory performance under scales and throughput rates representative of those encountered in production use in both the communications industry and as part of large scale delivery architectures.
Posted: 10 Apr 2008 | Published: 01 Mar 2008

Oracle Corporation

The Social Enterprise: Using Social Enterprise Applications to Enable the Next Wave of Knowledge Worker Productivity
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Enterprise social applications are the next generation of collaboration and productivity tools, capturing the interpersonal knowledge of workers and the implicit connections among people, systems, and data.
Posted: 16 Oct 2008 | Published: 16 Oct 2008

Oracle Corporation

Improving Intercompany Reconciliation for a Faster Close
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: What's arguably the single greatest barrier to the fast close has remained constant - the completion of the intercompany reconciliation process. This paper examines the issues behind intercompany reconciliation and outlines how companies can make impressive progress when they employ software solutions such as those from SAP Business Objects
Posted: 08 Jun 2009 | Published: 02 Jun 2009

SAP America, Inc.

Keeping It Simple: How to Protect Growing VMware Environments
sponsored by BakBone
WHITE PAPER: VMware has evolved to meet the needs of its growing customer base and has built an excellent foundation for data protection. It's Designed to work in conjunction with third-party backup software applications.
Posted: 16 Jul 2008 | Published: 01 Jul 2008


The Match Game: Is Offshoring a Fit for Your Help Desk Outsourcing Strategy?
sponsored by ABS Associates, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Let's examine the pros and cons of each as well as different situations where one or the other is the ideal match for your service desk strategy.
Posted: 13 Feb 2008 | Published: 13 Feb 2008

ABS Associates, Inc.

It's 2008: Do You Know Where Your Talent Is? - Connecting People to What Matters
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Demand for knowledge workers is rising even as their skills and abilities are falling into short supply. This research report about acquisition and retention strategies questions the "war for talent" approach to these emerging trends.
Posted: 10 Sep 2008 | Published: 09 Sep 2008

SAP America, Inc.

How to Assure ERP Success: Taking Ownership
sponsored by IFS
WHITE PAPER: CarSound CFO Steve Ragow encourages you to take ownership of and master your ERP system to assure your success.
Posted: 12 Jan 2009 | Published: 12 Jan 2009


Epicor ICE 2.0: Introducing Next-Generation Business Architecture
sponsored by Epicor Software Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Epicor Internet Component Environment (ICE) 2.0 is a modern business architecture and application framework which utilizes a 100% service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web 2.0 technologies for a new breed of enterprise solution.
Posted: 21 Nov 2008 | Published: 21 Nov 2008

Epicor Software Corporation

Five Technologies Simplifying Infrastructure Management
sponsored by Liebert Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This paper describes five infrastructure technologies that are making it easier for growing businesses to introduce new IT systems as needed while maintaining high levels of availability.
Posted: 20 Feb 2008 | Published: 01 Jan 2007

Liebert Corporation

Smarter system development: a systems engineering trade study to support green initiatives with model-driven development
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Trade study analysis is an effective method of comparing potential solutions to a given problem. Using a model-driven approach allows you to perform trade studies before development or implementation begins and saves time, money, and development headaches. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 14 May 2009 | Published: 01 Apr 2009