SAT White Papers

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The Next Generation of Static Analysis: Boolean Satisfiability and Path Simulation
sponsored by Coverity by Synopsys
WHITE PAPER: This white paper will provide a brief overview of the history of static analysis and explain how the use of SAT in static analysis is enabling developers to improve the quality and security of their code.
Posted: 05 Mar 2008 | Published: 03 Mar 2008

Coverity by Synopsys

Service Experience: The Next Value Driver for Global Business Services
sponsored by ServiceNow
WHITE PAPER: This guide sets forth a roadmap to begin the GBS experience journey based upon the lessons learned from several pioneering organizations.
Posted: 06 Oct 2023 | Published: 06 Oct 2023

TOPICS:  IT Management

Supercharging Employee Growth and Development
sponsored by ServiceNow
WHITE PAPER: Business Leaders are finding that focusing on skills, rather than jobs or degrees, strengthens your workforce with modern data and insights. This paper presents four ways that a skills-powered approach can supercharge employee growth and development.
Posted: 06 Oct 2023 | Published: 06 Oct 2023

TOPICS:  IT Management

Reducing Risk through Requirements-driven Quality Management: An End-to-End Approach
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
WHITE PAPER: Read this white paper to learn a structured way to manage requirements, and how risk-based requirements and quality management are inseparable from the larger process of managing the planning, test and release of a software system.
Posted: 14 Jun 2007 | Published: 01 May 2007

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

SOA Best Practices: The BPEL Cookbook
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) Cookbook highlights SOA best practices and challenges, detailing the importance of BPEL and other standards-based technologies in accelerating the adoption of an SOA.
Posted: 16 Mar 2009 | Published: 02 Aug 2007

Oracle Corporation

The Perfect Storm - Why Now Is The Time For Open Source
sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
WHITE PAPER: Open source is recognized for its ease of use, high performance, and affordability, especially amidst turbulent economic conditions. The high value of open source, coupled with economic and organizational pressure, represents a "perfect storm" for CIOs, giving them the opportunity to deploy high-performing, cost-effective open source solutions.
Posted: 19 Jun 2009 | Published: 01 Jun 2009

Red Hat and Intel

IBM Information Server FastTrack
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This white paper describes how IBM's Information Server FastTrack accelerates the translation of business requirements into data integration projects. Data integration projects require collaboration across analysts, data modelers and developers.
Posted: 13 Aug 2008 | Published: 13 Aug 2008


Achieving Cost Savings in Backup with Deduplication
sponsored by ExaGrid Systems, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This document discusses that dollars and time currently consumed by existing tape libraries can be far better utilized by moving to disk back-up with deduplication.
Posted: 09 Jul 2010 | Published: 09 Jul 2010

ExaGrid Systems, Inc.

Performance Center of Excellence
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
WHITE PAPER: As the application lifecycle evolves, components that drive efficiency and quality become more crucial. Organizations building centers of excellence (CoE) around performance testing find that the CoE centralizes resources and utilizes the full capabilities of today's robust automation products. Read on to learn more about the benefits of CoE.
Posted: 27 Feb 2009 | Published: 27 Feb 2009

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Leaning IT : Applying the Principle of "Pull" to Scale Agile Teams
sponsored by Rally Software
WHITE PAPER: Is your organization ready for this Agile "means to an end" or is Agile adoption inadvertently creating a classic "fix that fails?" Can Agile truly work at the Program level? This white paper is based on actual experiences of professionals who helped steer many of the largest Agile implementations done over the last five years.
Posted: 03 Apr 2009 | Published: 03 Apr 2009

Rally Software