Jumping on the Cloud-Wagon? AppZero's Virtual Application Appliance Approach
sponsored by AppZero
This paper explains the attributes of AppZero's VAA approach to server-side application virtualization and conveys various advantages in the cloud environment.
Posted: 04 Mar 2009 | Published: 04 Mar 2009
New Security Solutions Using Intel vPro Technology
sponsored by Intel Corporation
Intel IT security specialists have identified significant new enterprise security use cases that we can implement using Intel vPro technology. We focused on three high-priority, high-value categories and successfully performed lab tests to validate each use case.
Posted: 02 Apr 2009 | Published: 02 Apr 2009
Keys to SAP Application Acceleration: Advances in Delivery Systems
sponsored by Citrix
It is essential that SAP applications and network infrastructures be considered together as a "application infrastructure" that supports strategic business objectives. This paper examines the challenges associated with SAP application delivery
Posted: 19 Sep 2008 | Published: 18 Sep 2008
AT&T Business Continuity Survey: 2008
sponsored by AT&T Corp
The goal of this business continuity survey was to learn what these executives were doing about business continuity, and how it figured in their overall IT strategy.
Posted: 06 Oct 2008 | Published: 04 Oct 2008
The New Information Agenda: Do You Have One?
sponsored by IBM
This white paper defines the information agenda; describes key considerations and best practices in creating and implementing an information agenda.
Posted: 14 May 2008 | Published: 01 Jan 2008
Implementing an identity management solution
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
This document describes the SAP NetWeaver Identity Management products, which cover most of the core functionality for implementing an identity management solution, including a virtual directory.
Posted: 18 Jun 2008 | Published: 01 Sep 2007
Security Vs. Flexibility: Must IT Management Choose?
sponsored by Faronics
This white paper focuses on how IT Managers can leverage Centralized Configuration Management (CCM) tools along with other techniques and tools to have it all: security, a uniform standard, and flexibility when needed.
Posted: 22 Aug 2008 | Published: 22 Aug 2008
When Less Is More: Why Small Companies Should Think Outside the (Red/ Yellow) Box for Protecting Endpoints
sponsored by Sunbelt Software
Endpoint security issues simply can't be ignored, regardless of the size of the organization. This paper will discuss how internet threats and vulnerabilities affect us all and what criteria businesses should use in order to pick out a proper endpoint security solution.
Posted: 30 Jul 2009 | Published: 30 Jul 2009
The Desktop Dilemma: Liberty vs. Lockdown
sponsored by Bit9, Inc.
CIOs and IT departments are under tremendous pressure to implement better processes over how software is deployed, managed, and used by their employees on their company computers. This document will outline a nine-step methodology that can make or break your transition to a well-managed and controlled Windows environment.
Posted: 09 Jun 2009 | Published: 09 Jun 2009
7 Requirements of Data Loss Prevention
sponsored by Symantec Corporation
This report provides a clear understanding of the capabilities a successful data loss prevention solution must deliver. It also incorporates insight into the capabilities that companies require from their solution.
Posted: 10 Mar 2009 | Published: 10 Mar 2009