Software Distribution Management White Papers

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Requirements Definition as the Foundation for Effective Software Delivery
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This white paper examines the challenges that impede teams as they try to collect, analyze, and evaluate ideas to define the best solution requirements. The paper also provides information on the four critical areas to defining great requirements and how IBM Rational® solutions help teams address these areas.
Posted: 16 Mar 2009 | Published: 13 Mar 2009


Software Compliance Management: Automating License Compliance in the New, Mixed-IP Development World
sponsored by Black Duck Software
WHITE PAPER: Software compliance management systems help ensure enterprises achieve the business acceleration they want from software reuse, while meeting the stringent requirements of shareholders, regulators and customers for proper management of company.
Posted: 13 Oct 2008 | Published: 01 Jul 2008

Black Duck Software

Taking Control of Software Licensing
sponsored by BDNA
WHITE PAPER: Software licensing is full of complexity and factors outside your control. Having accurate information is the best strategy for managing vendors, negotiating with them, and avoiding vendor audits. This paper offers insight to enter conversation...
Posted: 30 Apr 2008 | Published: 01 Apr 2008


Going Beyond Email: Marketing Software with Targeted In-Product Messaging
sponsored by Macrovision, makers of AdminStudio 
WHITE PAPER: Read this white paper to read about the problems with using email as a marketing tool and how Product Managers can use in-product messaging, a new vehicle for promoting software, to successfully market via email.
Posted: 01 May 2007 | Published: 01 Apr 2007

Macrovision, makers of AdminStudio 

Integrating the Finance organization for global business: Important implications for CIOs
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This paper looks at the growing alignment between the financial and technical disciplines. It examines the results of the Global CFO Study 2008 in the context of IT, identifying the critical implications for CIOs, and the need for a strategic partnership with CFOs and more ongoing collaboration between Finance and IT.
Posted: 13 Feb 2009 | Published: 13 Feb 2009


The Desktop Dilemma: Liberty vs. Lockdown
sponsored by Bit9, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: CIOs and IT departments are under tremendous pressure to implement better processes over how software is deployed, managed, and used by their employees on their company computers. This document will outline a nine-step methodology that can make or break your transition to a well-managed and controlled Windows environment.
Posted: 09 Jun 2009 | Published: 09 Jun 2009

Bit9, Inc.

VMware Solutions for Small and Midsize Businesses: The Most Cost-Effective Way to Enable Always On IT
sponsored by Dell and VMware
WHITE PAPER: Check out this solution brief to discover how VMware equips SMBs with technology solutions that allow them to cost effectively optimize the use of their existing IT assets and resources as well as protect the systems, data, and applications that run the business, ensuring Always On IT.
Posted: 01 Jun 2009 | Published: 01 May 2009

Dell and VMware

Leadership Makes the Difference during Times of Global Financial Crisis: Optimizing Business Cycles through Technology Investment
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Investing in the right IT platform and end-to-end business processes enables companies to simplify the IT landscape and reduce total it cost.
Posted: 26 Jan 2009 | Published: 23 Jan 2009

SAP America, Inc.

Aberdeen Report: Achieving Quality across the Global Manufacturing Network
sponsored by Infor
WHITE PAPER: Companies that are disciplined in managing the quality of their engineering, manufacturing, purchasing and human resource operations perform better. Read this white paper today to learn what strategic actions organizations can take to improve q...
Posted: 10 Nov 2006 | Published: 01 Dec 2005


The Perfect Storm - Why Now Is The Time For Open Source
sponsored by Red Hat and Intel
WHITE PAPER: Open source is recognized for its ease of use, high performance, and affordability, especially amidst turbulent economic conditions. The high value of open source, coupled with economic and organizational pressure, represents a "perfect storm" for CIOs, giving them the opportunity to deploy high-performing, cost-effective open source solutions.
Posted: 19 Jun 2009 | Published: 01 Jun 2009

Red Hat and Intel