The current economic downturn has resulted in contraction of IT Department budgets and a mandate to allocate resources to only the most critical projects, then execute it flawlessly. In these tough times, it is imperative for CIOs to deliver more value as IT budgets fall.
This paper shows how the costs associated with recovering email messages from Microsoft® Exchange Server backups can be significant and also provides us with the practical information on how to minimize those costs.
This white paper shares proven strategies for storage infrastructure cost reduction. You will uncover four keys to minimizing storage costs and maximizing return on assets based on the tried and tested Storage Economics framework.
Combining innovations and best-known methods for air-cooled data center design helps provide new approaches for power and cooling. This white paper discusses real world examples of how to lower costs and improve performance within the IT infras...
Understanding how IT can drive value and competitive advantage for your company is important for executives in all industries. This SAP Executive Insight paper explores the relationship between IT investment and performance and productivity gains.
Financing information technology hardware is an accepted way of doing business. Clients are discovering the benefits of financing software and services and are making financing of software and services one of the fastest-growing segments of the IT financing industry. This paper explains the importance of aligning financing with IT transformation.
This paper reviews the challenges of measuring data center energy efficiency and proposes a solution: a new metric called CUPS, or Compute Units per Second, that allows data center managers to calculate data center efficiency.
Virtualization technologies can allow small and medium-sized businesses to reduce hardware costs and optimize IT. If your business is not currently using this technology, checkout this survey to gauge how your peers are addressing virtualization issues.