Standard Generalized Markup Language White Papers

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IDC White Paper: Diskless PCs: The Evolution of Enterprise PCs
sponsored by DellEMC and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: Diskless PCs used in conjunction with image streaming software can provide a PC performance and compatibility experience that is identical to that of a standalone machine, but with all the benefits that centralized environments enable.
Posted: 23 Jan 2008 | Published: 01 Jun 2007

DellEMC and Intel®

Deploy Real-time Operational Detection and Prevention to Combat Various Threats and Fraud.
sponsored by IBM Software Group
WHITE PAPER: When you understand people and their names in context and in real time, you have an increased capability to preempt threats and fraud. Find out what you can do to help protect your business.
Posted: 13 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Jan 2007

IBM Software Group

EMC Documentum Enterprise Records Management: The Problem of Enterprise Records Management
sponsored by EMC Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This paper examines how one solution provider, EMC, is helping customers address electronic discovery challenges by helping customers manage their information infrastructure more effectively.
Posted: 13 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Aug 2007

EMC Corporation

GPS Receiver Testing
sponsored by National Instruments
WHITE PAPER: Today, the power of software enables you to create GPS waveforms that accurately emulate the real word signal. In addition, advances in instrument bus technology enable record and playback of live GPS signals with PXI instrumentation.
Posted: 21 Jul 2008 | Published: 01 Jan 2006

National Instruments

Support PCI Security Compliance with Enhanced Solutions from IBM
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This white paper briefly describes PCI requirements, the benefits of compliance and the penalties for noncompliance.
Posted: 13 Feb 2009 | Published: 13 Feb 2009


Eight Strategies for First Rate Customer Service
sponsored by Cisco Systems, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This paper provides eight strategies for creating a relationship with your customers that will keep them coming back.
Posted: 06 Oct 2008 | Published: 03 Oct 2008

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Attachment Spam - The Latest Trend
sponsored by GFI Software
WHITE PAPER: This white paper explains what makes spam such an unbearable problem and how spamming tactics are evolving daily to beat anti-spam software.
Posted: 18 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Jan 2007

GFI Software

IT Consolidation with VMware and Dell EqualLogic iSCSI SANs
sponsored by Dell and VMware
WHITE PAPER: Dell EqualLogic™ PS Series iSCSI SANs help to reduce the cost and complexity of IT Consolidation and uniquely integrate with VMware® Infrastructure to enable the fully virtualized IT environment.
Posted: 14 May 2009 | Published: 14 May 2009

Dell and VMware

Two Billion Entry Directory Benchmark
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This benchmark evaluates Oracle Internet Directory performance under scales and throughput rates representative of those encountered in production use in both the communications industry and as part of large scale delivery architectures.
Posted: 10 Apr 2008 | Published: 01 Mar 2008

Oracle Corporation

Security Threat Report: July 2008
sponsored by Sophos
WHITE PAPER: This report gives a comprehensive insight into the events and trends that emerged during the first half of 2008, and helps businesses to stay ahead of today's increasingly covert threats.
Posted: 13 Nov 2008 | Published: 13 Nov 2008
