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Always On White Paper for Fujitsu ETERNUS Storage System
sponsored by Fujitsu America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Provide uncompromised data availability that maximizes the secure operation of your databases in mission critical environments. This technical white paper provides an overview of the usage of SQL Server and Fujitsu ETERNUS storage systems.
Posted: 02 Jan 2007 | Published: 05 Oct 2006

Fujitsu America, Inc.

A Guide to Accelerating Business Value for Microsoft Environments
sponsored by EMC Corporation
WHITE PAPER: In this guide we'll learn how EMC can accelerate the business value of Microsoft environments of any size and scope.
Posted: 10 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Oct 2007

EMC Corporation

Epicor ICE 2.0: Introducing Next-Generation Business Architecture
sponsored by Epicor Software Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Epicor Internet Component Environment (ICE) 2.0 is a modern business architecture and application framework which utilizes a 100% service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web 2.0 technologies for a new breed of enterprise solution.
Posted: 21 Nov 2008 | Published: 21 Nov 2008

Epicor Software Corporation

It's 2008: Do You Know Where Your Talent Is? - Connecting People to What Matters
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Demand for knowledge workers is rising even as their skills and abilities are falling into short supply. This research report about acquisition and retention strategies questions the "war for talent" approach to these emerging trends.
Posted: 10 Sep 2008 | Published: 09 Sep 2008

SAP America, Inc.

The Match Game: Is Offshoring a Fit for Your Help Desk Outsourcing Strategy?
sponsored by ABS Associates, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Let's examine the pros and cons of each as well as different situations where one or the other is the ideal match for your service desk strategy.
Posted: 13 Feb 2008 | Published: 13 Feb 2008

ABS Associates, Inc.

Two Billion Entry Directory Benchmark
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This benchmark evaluates Oracle Internet Directory performance under scales and throughput rates representative of those encountered in production use in both the communications industry and as part of large scale delivery architectures.
Posted: 10 Apr 2008 | Published: 01 Mar 2008

Oracle Corporation

The Supply Chains Innovator's Technology Footprint
sponsored by Infor
WHITE PAPER: Pressure is increasing to better manage supply chains to improve customer service, lower product costs and increase business process efficiency. Read this paper to learn about best practices for improving an organization's supply chain proces...
Posted: 10 Nov 2006 | Published: 01 May 2006


Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning Software at United Airlines
sponsored by Hitachi Vantara
WHITE PAPER: This paper describes virtualization capabilities of the new Hitachi Universal Storage Platform™ V with Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning software which improve storage utilization to new levels...
Posted: 11 Aug 2008 | Published: 01 Mar 2008

Hitachi Vantara

Deploy Real-time Operational Detection and Prevention to Combat Various Threats and Fraud.
sponsored by IBM Software Group
WHITE PAPER: When you understand people and their names in context and in real time, you have an increased capability to preempt threats and fraud. Find out what you can do to help protect your business.
Posted: 13 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Jan 2007

IBM Software Group

The Role of Integrated Requirements Management in Software Delivery
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This paper is about the critical role that integrated requirements management can play in helping to ensure that your business goals and IT investment are continuously aligned.
Posted: 24 May 2010 | Published: 01 Oct 2007