Bus Mice Reports

A New Dimension in IT Infrastructure Management
sponsored by Raritan Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This white paper describes how KVM technology can improve system reliability, manageability, and security, resulting in lower TCO and less downtime.
Posted: 18 Jan 2008 | Published: 01 Sep 2004

Raritan Inc.

Computer Weekly 50th anniversary special
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
EZINE: It's been 50 years since Computer Weekly's launch on 22 September 1966. To mark this achievement, we have compiled a special edition of the magazine to reflect on how much the British technology industry has contributed over that time.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 22 Sep 2016

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Does a proprietary solution automatically mean vendor lock-in?
sponsored by TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com
ANALYST REPORT: The dread of any IT manager is in making a significant purchase of hardware or software to then find that they are 'locked in' to one supplier. But analyst Clive Longbottom asks, is this still the case?
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 14 Mar 2016

TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Virtualizing the Client PC: A Proof of Concept
sponsored by Intel Corporation
WHITE PAPER: In this paper Intel IT explores a proof of concept study that examined the viability of abstracting the client operating system from the hardware platform using virtualization.
Posted: 21 Nov 2008 | Published: 21 Nov 2008

Intel Corporation

System Recovery-Breaking through the Dissimilar Hardware Restore Challenge
sponsored by Symantec Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This paper discusses how Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery Restore Anyware can dramatically change the way organizations perform a wide range of IT tasks, including bare-metal system recovery and restoration to dissimilar hardware.
Posted: 20 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Dec 2007

Symantec Corporation

Veeam Backup for VMware Infrastructure
sponsored by Veeam Software
DATA SHEET: Veeam Backup is the first solution that combines backup and replication in a single product for fast recovery of your VMware ESX Servers.
Posted: 17 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Mar 2008

Veeam Software

Green Computing beyond the Data Center - IT Briefing
sponsored by Faronics
WHITE PAPER: Organizations considering green computing initiatives start in the data center but the truth is that in many organizations more power and heat waste is generated outside of the data center. This white paper discusses seven actions that address the prob...
Posted: 28 Sep 2007 | Published: 01 Sep 2007


The Cost and Benefits of On-Demand Vs. On-Premise Procurement Software
sponsored by Coupa
WHITE PAPER: While there are dozens of procurement software solutions available, there are really only two types offered: "on-premise" procurement software and newer "ondemand" procurement software. This paper outlines an approach to compute and compare them.
Posted: 10 Sep 2008 | Published: 10 Sep 2008


Support PCI Security Compliance with Enhanced Solutions from IBM
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This white paper briefly describes PCI requirements, the benefits of compliance and the penalties for noncompliance.
Posted: 13 Feb 2009 | Published: 13 Feb 2009


Vizion Core vReplicator
sponsored by Vizioncore Inc.
SOFTWARE LISTING: vReplicator is the recognized host-level image replication solution for VMware Infrastructure. vReplicator allows the entire virtual machine to be replicated, including the OS, configurations and patches, applications and data.
Posted: 14 May 2008 | Published: 01 May 2008

Vizioncore Inc.