Consumer Electronics Market Reports

2021 UKI Media Consumption Infographic: Engaging Prospect to accelerate the buy cycle
sponsored by TechTarget
EBOOK: In this infographic, we take a look at the impact of the pandemic on IT purchasing in the UKI region and analyse the best marketing and sales approaches for engaging prospect to accelerate the buy cycle.
Posted: 13 Jan 2022 | Published: 13 Jan 2022


Challenges & Strategies for UK Annuity Providers
sponsored by Wipro
WHITE PAPER: This white papers talks about the challenges facing the UK annuity market and the strategies that can be taken by the product providers to meet them. The paper also talks about how Wipro can partner with providers to tap the opportunities present in the marketplace.
Posted: 13 May 2009 | Published: 11 May 2009


Secret Ingredient For Revenue Growth
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
WEBCAST: Join Andrew Gaffney, President, Demand Gen Report and John Steinert, CMO, TechTarget as they explore key trends driving the use and success of purchase intent in high performance organizations.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Premiered: Sep 11, 2020

Informa TechTarget

Moving From Leads to Buying Groups in One Easy Step
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: In B2B organizations, shifting the focus from individual leads in the demand process to buying groups and demand units represents a major change. Download this white paper to learn how to leverage the teleservices team as the first step in an incremental evolution from individual leads to buying groups.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 06 May 2020

Informa TechTarget

Expert Webinar: Closing the Loop on ABM Revenue in 2021
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
WEBCAST: Featuring Forrester Principal Analyst Malachi Threadgill and moderated by John Steinert, CMO TechTarget, this interactive webinar explores how companies can deliver better on increased revenue by overcoming some basic – and yet critical – barriers to addressing actual customer needs. Watch now to learn more.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Premiered: Nov 30, 2020

Informa TechTarget

Today’s Market Realities Require New Demand Gen Strategies
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
EBOOK: In this e-book, we discuss the shortcomings of the classical lead gen model and provide a framework you can use to improve productivity and effectively identify, pursue and manage real opportunities.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 03 Nov 2020

Informa TechTarget

Account-Based Marketing Will Fail Without Organizational Alignment
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
WHITE PAPER: What makes Account-Based Marketing (ABM) an effective, yet difficult, strategy is its dependence on strong alignment and collaboration between Sales and Marketing, as well as other stakeholders. Download this e-book to learn what steps your company can take to establish organizational alignment for ABM.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 20 Jan 2020

Informa TechTarget

Virtual Event Success— from Recruitment to Follow-Up
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
PRODUCT OVERVIEW: Executing a successful virtual event, whether a straightforward webcast or robust tradeshow, requires expertise across many disciplines. Luckily, TechTarget is here to help with their portfolio of virtual events and services. Learn how they can help you ensure virtual event success—from recruitment to follow-up—in this solution brief.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 06 Apr 2020

Informa TechTarget

Part 6: Marketing Channels, Programs and Campaigns
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
EGUIDE: Marketing-speak can range from one organization to the next—a “program” to one person could be a “campaign” to you. Download this expert guide to explore the differences between channels, programs and campaigns, and learn how you can create a common taxonomy to avoid terminology confusion.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 27 Dec 2019

Informa TechTarget

Why More High-Performance Companies Are Depending on Intent Data
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
WEBCAST: In this webinar, Eric Wittlake, Sr. Marketing Analyst, TOPO, discusses new use cases and applications for intent data that reach beyond just account based strategies and explores how entire go-to-market teams are using it to significantly improve results for each function within the team.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Premiered: Nov 30, 2020

Informa TechTarget