Host-based Virtualization Reports

Effective Data Migration with Varonis DatAdvantage
sponsored by Varonis
PRODUCT LITERATURE: Varonis DatAdvantage helps you identify data owners so you can build data migration, management and governance policies that map to your business needs.
Posted: 10 Sep 2008 | Published: 10 Sep 2008


Auto-Snapshot Manager/Vmware Edition Automated, Integrated, and Scalable Protection of Virtual Machines
sponsored by DellEMC and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: This paper will discuss High performance, space-efficient hypervisor-aware SAN-based snapshot and replication support, backup and recovery, IT infrastructure, as well as virtual security.
Posted: 24 Jun 2009 | Published: 24 Jun 2009

DellEMC and Intel®

White Paper: Solving the Top Six Enterprise Storage Issues with Virtualization
sponsored by Hitachi Vantara
WHITE PAPER: This white paper answers the question: "What can storage virtualization do for my organization?" Explore business issues that can be addressed with storage virtualization and understand how much or how little disruption such a technology could cause.
Posted: 09 Jul 2008 | Published: 01 Dec 2007

Hitachi Vantara

Why You Should Choose IBM BladeCenter S over HP c3000
sponsored by IBM
PRODUCT LITERATURE: Read how IBM® BladeCenter® S provides greater capabilities--including 9TB of flexible storage, low noise, a specialized rack with air filtration and available layer 2-7 secure switching.
Posted: 10 Jun 2008 | Published: 01 Nov 2007


Virtualized iSCSI SANs: Flexible, Scalable Enterprise Storage for Virtual Infrastructures
sponsored by DellEMC and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: Enterprises of all sizes are building flexible storage infrastructures using iSCSI and advanced virtualization technologies to achieve a flexible and dynamic IT infrastructure that is simple to manage and scale. Read this white paper to learn more.
Posted: 20 Sep 2007 | Published: 20 Sep 2007

DellEMC and Intel®

StorageVirtualization and the HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
WHITE PAPER: Virtualization allows companies to respond quickly to changing storage capacity requirements and much more. This white paper presents an overview of storage virtualization technology and highlights an innovative new virtualization solution.
Posted: 05 Mar 2008 | Published: 01 Feb 2008

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Four Principles for Reducing Storage TCO
sponsored by Hitachi Vantara
WHITE PAPER: This white paper shares proven strategies for storage infrastructure cost reduction. You will uncover four keys to minimizing storage costs and maximizing return on assets based on the tried and tested Storage Economics framework.
Posted: 16 Jun 2009 | Published: 01 May 2009

Hitachi Vantara

eBook: Virtualization Security
sponsored by Informa TechTarget
EBOOK: Space savings and reductions in energy costs are causing more organizations to move, or at least consider the move, to virtual environments. Download this eBook and discover how to mitigate the inherent security risks associated with the adoption of virtualization security.
Posted: 21 May 2009 | Published: 21 May 2009

Informa TechTarget

A Guide to Virtualizing Your Information Infrastructure
sponsored by EMC Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Virtualization is top priority for CIOs and data center managers. Download this guide on virtualization and discover an approach that distributes intelligence across all levels, while centralizing the control and management of your entire environment.
Posted: 12 Nov 2007 | Published: 01 Oct 2007

EMC Corporation

Consolidate and Simplify Backup and Recovery for Your VMware Environment
sponsored by EMC Backup and Recovery Solutions
WEBCAST: In this webcast you will learn about this powerful solution, hear about specific deployments and the resulting benefits.
Posted: 04 Aug 2008 | Premiered: Aug 1, 2008

EMC Backup and Recovery Solutions