JavaScript Reports

Faster PHP Through Java
sponsored by Caucho Technology
WHITE PAPER: Using benchmarks and code samples throughout to anchor the discussion, this paper explores how Quercus - Caucho's Java implementation of PHP - can perform faster than the standard Apache-based PHP both in synthetic benchmarks and real-world applications. The results are quite impressive.
Posted: 18 Mar 2009 | Published: 18 Mar 2009

Caucho Technology

CodePro AnalytiX: Automated Code Quality and Security Analysis for Eclipse Java Developers
sponsored by Instantiations
DATA SHEET: CodePro AnalytiX is a comprehensive set of software analysis tools composed of a collection of native Eclipse plugins. It seamlessly integrates into any Eclipse-based Java desktop development environment, adding code audit, security analysis, metrics, test generation, JUnit test editing, code coverage and team collaboration functionality.
Posted: 13 Mar 2009 | Published: 12 Mar 2009


Policy Reference Guide: Blackberry Enterprise Server
sponsored by BlackBerry
WHITE PAPER: Devices that are running the BlackBerry Application Suite can use all the IT policy rules that are associated with the supported features of the BlackBerry Application Suite.
Posted: 09 Dec 2008 | Published: 09 Dec 2008
