Learn about the challenges associated with increased worker mobility and how to create an effective enterprise wireless security strategy with some suggestions for an enterprise wireless security policy.
The Blackberry® Java® Development Environment (BlackBerry JDE) is a fully integrated development environment and simulation tool for building Java Micro Edition (Java ME™) applications for Java-based Blackberry® smartphones.
In this webcast, author Mike Kirkup tells about mobile development with their features and limitations and describes Smartphones which store data in the memory.
In this Webcast learn about the development tools, options and third party applications available to extend your BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution investment. Register today!
Posted: 01 May 2007 | Premiered: May 16, 2007, 09:00 EDT (13:00 GMT)
Security is the top priority on everyone's minds, especially with the growth of mobile devices on the rise. This paper details the 10 critical steps to ensure a successful mobile security strategy.