Search Results for: network

PINet— Polymorphic Intelligent Network (ENI POC #15)
This presentation aims to introduce the concept of polymorphic intelligent network and provide several use cases to verify related functions:1. Demonstrate the use of intent-based interface to translate the network application requirement to different network modal configuration and support the coexistence and collaboration of polymorphic network; 2. Demonstrate the use of AI to realize adaptive adjustment and configuration between network resources and diversified services, optimize network structure, resource allocation, function management and service efficiency. The current network mainly faced several challenges, such as rigid network structure, simple IP bearing, and difficulty in dealing with unknown threats. Based on above challenges, the goal of this PoC project is to realize polymorphic presentation of addressing and routing, and provide feasible design strategy for operators to automatically deploy network according to different types of business and application scenarios. PINet fundamentally meets the business requirement of network intelligence, diversification, personalization, high robustness and high efficiency.


How to Use Predictive Modeling to Produce Self-Healing Networks
Corporate networks are becoming increasingly complex as their traffic sources rapidly expand. Many enterprise-level companies and organizations continue to add new branch locations, remote users due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and a plethora of new business applications. This increase in network activity and complexity often causes connectivity issues and problems with application performance. Join Sridhar Iyer, Senior Architect at Versa Networks, as he explains how predictive networking based on machine learning and artificial intelligence can produce self-healing networks. Sridhar will explain how predictive networks can better optimize network performance through a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach which identifies network traffic bottlenecks before they happen. In this webinar, you will learn: - How to leverage machine learning and AI to build predictive models to optimize your company’s network traffic - How to establish proper service-level agreements for different segments of network traffic to enable best path selection - How to create proactive notifications and advanced debugging capabilities to reduce the workload on your support teams


How a Digital Twin Can Increase Efficiency in Complex Hybrid Networks
In today's complex hybrid networks with different vendors in the traffic path, correlating and understanding output and troubleshooting can be complicated. Do you often ask how day-to-day tasks can be more efficient without understanding different technology at critical points in the network? Join Steve Allie, Vice President of Technical Services, and Mike Lossmann, Technical Product Marketing Manager at Forward Networks, to discuss how using Forward Networks' digital twin can help increase network efficiency in today's complex hybrid networks.


Simplify Configuration & Compliance Management Across Network & Cloud
In the past, networking teams had complete control over their entire network because they were built using physical routers and switches, which made it straightforward to create boundaries around the network. But, in today’s exploded network environment across the Internet and multiple cloud platforms, these boundaries are no longer clear and well defined. With Gartner predicting that “By YE21, network teams will spend 3x more time working in public cloud infrastructure than they do today,” they need new tools to help shift from purely controlling a bounded network, into a world where they provide governance over the dispersed infrastructure. So how do networking teams make the shift from control to governance for managing configurations? This requires a modern solution to successfully address the challenges of Day 0 to Day N network device configuration deployments of existing on-prem infrastructure and cloud-native and SaaS-based networking services. In this webinar, we will explore how the Itential Automation Platform’s latest release provides a modern approach to network configuration and compliance management and demo how Itential can help by: • Providing a simplified, streamlined solution to configuration management for traditional networking devices that can also be applied to cloud-native network services like AWS VPCs or Azure VNets. • Implementing a single Golden Configuration tree that represents a universal baseline configuration, regardless of device location. • Eliminating the need to “swivel chair” by collecting and federating data to ensure a configuration change can take place with the highest quality of information regarding that device and its state in the network. • Applying end-to-end network governance with compliance and remediation across both on-prem & cloud-based network infrastructure.


How to Mitigate Network Supply Chain Challenges through Rapid Integration
Networking teams are struggling to adapt to a post-pandemic landscape, where supply chain issues and product shortages are delaying projects and jeopardizing strategic network initiatives. This problem is compounded within environments that rely on one or two vendors for their networking equipment. For many, the traditionally high costs of introducing a new vendor into their network have prevented them doing so. These costs come from the need to integrate the new products into the existing network as well as the costs to train engineers and operate a multi-vendor environment. However, teams are forced to weigh the cost of waiting for backordered products with the costs to bring in a new vendor. By leveraging Itential’s rapid integration capabilities and its multi-vendor network automation and orchestration features, networking teams can mitigate the challenges of introducing a new vendor. This allows them to expand their network while minimizing the need to spend months on integration and training. In this webinar, Morgan Stern, VP of Automation Strategy, and Karan Munalingal, Head of Solutions Engineering, with Itential will: • Discuss the challenges that networking teams currently face with today’s networking supply chain shortages. • Share insights on how to mitigate these challenges from working with several customers who faced this problem. • Demo the capabilities of the Itential Automation Platform that simplify the process for supporting new vendors in an existing network.


Satellite Solutions for Network Resiliency: How to Stay Connected in Any Situation
In today's connected world, network resiliency is a critical factor for ensuring uninterrupted communication and business continuity. However, traditional networks are vulnerable to various threats and challenges that can disrupt connectivity and affect user experience. In this webinar, you will learn how the latest in multi-orbit satellite solutions can provide a robust and reliable alternative for network resiliency, independent of terrestrial infrastructure. You will also discover how SES can help you integrate satellite solutions into your network architecture, and how you can benefit from its fast deployment, broad coverage, and robust options. KEY TAKEAWAYS Why Attend: • Gain insights into the current and future challenges and opportunities for network resiliency in the telecom industry. • Learn about the advantages and features of satellite solutions for network resiliency and how they can complement and enhance terrestrial networks. • Hear from SES experts and customers who have successfully implemented satellite solutions for network resiliency in various use cases and scenarios. What You'll Learn: • How to identify the best satellite solutions for your needs. • How to leverage SES's multi-orbit constellation of GEO and MEO satellites, and its global network of ground stations and partners, to ensure network resiliency. • How to measure the impact and ROI of satellite solutions for network resiliency and optimise their performance and scalability.


Network Fabric, Segmentation & How They Stop a Serious Security Incident
In our latest Logically Uncovered webinar, Edwin (Ed) Koehler, Distinguished Principal Engineer at Extreme Networks answers our questions about how fabric architectures are shaping the future of cybersecurity and why segmentation is an essential part of that evolution. We’ve all become accustomed to thinking of networks as a cybersecurity vulnerability. But, what if you could use your network to increase your security posture? Critical infrastructure sectors, such as transportation, healthcare, defense, and government are doing just that, using network fabric technology not only to connect all of the components of their networks, but also to implement micro-segmentation that blocks lateral movement and prevents network breaches.


How to identify and block threats with a secure cloud network (emea)
With the increased threat landscape of cloud deployments, customers are often unaware of compromised hosts which may be participating in data exfiltration and bot net operations left unchecked by traditional security constructs. At Aviatrix, we believe that network security belongs in the network, and that the most secure network is the one that you own. In this TechTalk, we will showcase how to obtain multi-cloud native network security that can enable every network node to provide traffic inspection and enforcement.


Cato Networks Demonstrating Easy Management for a Real SASE
Cato is the provider of the world’s first SASE platform, converging SD-WAN and network security into a global cloud service. Cato optimizes and secures application access for all users and locations. Cato replaces legacy security products and network services with an agile and secure global network that is ready for whatever’s next. In this demo, Eyal will show what a management application of a real SASE looks like. How all network, access and security functions are fully converged with each other, offering an unparallel degree of simplicity, visibility and control over the enterprise network. Eyal will walk through the key configuration areas of Cato’s SASE platform: Network, Security and Access. And then show the real-time and historical network analytics and built-in SIEM, which together enable IT to regain control of their network and security.


Real-Time Visibility at the Network Edge Powered by DPI
Enterprise networks are becoming more and more expanded, elastic, and widely dispersed as a result of advances in cloud computing and IoT, which have caused a rapid increase in traffic. Deep network insights are required for the intelligent and effective control of traffic across these networks, and they must be supported by tools that can provide precise, real-time, granular traffic analysis. Graphiant, a leading provider of next-generation edge services, and ipoque have come together to address these challenges. By integrating ipoque’s vector packet processing (VPP)-based DPI engine into the Graphiant Network Edge solution, the technology partnership enables a single point of traffic inspection that greatly improves network performance and security for the enterprise edge, delivering a highly scalable and flexible network ‘as-a-service’ solution for enterprise networks. This webinar shares how the integration of cloud-optimized VPP DPI engine R&S®vPACE powers the Graphiant Network Edge in creating highly-optimized and responsive edge networks. In this webinar, you will: -Understand enterprise networks’ challenges and needs -Discover how application visibility powered by DPI enhances network performance and security -Find out the benefits of VPP-based DPI technology for cloud-based environments -Learn how to combine application visibility and policy control at performance levels for the modern edge to build enterprise networks faster and more efficiently The webinar includes a demo of ipoque’s VPP DPI engine R&S®vPACE and Graphiant’s Network Edge service solution.