IT executives and their teams need a comprehensive and accurate view of IT services. A service catalog includes all relevant details about your services, including which service level agreements (SLAs) are associated with it, who is able to request it, how much it costs, and how to fulfill it. This paper describes the IT Infrastructure...
sponsored by BMC Software, Extending Value with Identify Software
This white paper details the results of a Forrester survey which explores the inefficiencies that exist in common approaches to application problem resolution.
This paper explains the effective management of human capital, which includes not just the organization's own employees, but also members of the outsourcing team as well, is a key success factor.
As businesses have instituted internal, industry, and government mandated regulatory compliance, the need for audit data to prove conformity has also become a necessity. Read this white paper to learn how configuration audit and control provides a single, independent source for enforcing and reporting on a change policy across an organization.
This paper explains how asset discovery, and AssetWise Discovery software, plays a vital role in raising help desk efficiency while maintaining customer satisfaction and resolving problems effectively.
ALM has made software development projects more successful over the past twelve years, but statistics show there is still room for improvement. See how Serena's ALM approach can help your organization overcome the shortcomings of traditional ALM tools.
Read this white paper to learn a structured way to manage requirements, and how risk-based requirements and quality management are inseparable from the larger process of managing the planning, test and release of a software system.
This white paper provides a guide to a successful SOA governance. Explore the integral role governance plays in realizing optimal ROI from an SOA implementation.
It is estimated that 90% of most external attacks take advantage of known vulnerabilities and misconfigured systems. This white paper provides comprehensive guidance on integrating security and access-control best practices into your SOA and WSOA initiatives. It includes such topics as access control and SOA security implementation models.
This paper discusses the technical underpinnings of Resin 4.0's sophisticated clustering capabilities that provide reliable and fast distributed sessions, distributed object caching, and cloud-wide application deployment all while adding and removing application server instances at will during runtime.