This white paper explores requirements engineering and its groundbreaking role in product development and engineering for the industrial segment. It discusses the best practices and benefits of requirements engineering, and how automotive manufacturers can overcome today's quality and cost challenges using those best practices.
This white paper shares practical perspectives on preparing a business case for collaboration tools within Unified Communications, as well as offering best practice approaches for ensuring the successful adoption - and maximum contribution - of collaboration applications in your enterprise.
Requirements engineering is about more than just analyzing documenting requirements. It is an important and multifaceted part of systems engineering that broadens the product development process. Companies that successfully introduce a new requirements engineering process don't just change their process and technology; they change their thinking.
Is your organization ready for this Agile "means to an end" or is Agile adoption inadvertently creating a classic "fix that fails?" Can Agile truly work at the Program level? This white paper is based on actual experiences of professionals who helped steer many of the largest Agile implementations done over the last five years.
The consumer Web has shown us the power of the internet as a social, collaborative platform, particularly when compared to existing rigid corporate environments. Wikis, blogs, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, social networks, tagging, and mashups are flexible, user-driven tools that have the potential to bring many benefits to the enterprise.
This eBook discusses how SOA can be used to overcome business process inefficiencies. Explore practices for effectively implementing SOA and developing service-oriented applications.
This white paper reveals how WebSphere® adapter nodes within IBM® WebSphere Message Broker V6.1 speed and simplify the tasks of creating integrated processes, resulting in greater productivity and lower cost.
This white paper discusses how to create a flexible infrastructure through the implementation of an SOA and alignment of business processes with strategic goals to overcome the challenges associated with the rapidly changing business world.
To meet the increasing demands of today's market, companies must implement collaborative supply chain solutions that streamline business processes with their trading partners. Read this white paper for expert advice for achieving that objective.
This paper provides an overview of the major issues that are driving support for care transformation. More importantly, it outlines an approach for achieving value from the IT investments made by health care organizations in support of transformation initiatives.