Digital Exchanges White Papers

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Step up Your Game. Global Delivery Capabilities for the Electronics Industry
sponsored by IBM Line of Business
WHITE PAPER: How can your business meet the ever-increasing demands of end users and still make a healthy profit? IBM takes a look at innovation's role in driving business objectives and helping electronics enterprises move forward.
Posted: 17 Jun 2008 | Published: 17 Jun 2008

IBM Line of Business

Enterprises Reap the Rewards of Modernizing Their ERP Systems - IDC Research
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This white paper outlines strategies for organizations considering upgrading or replacing their enterprise resource planning systems in order to handle business growth, streamline internal processes, and leverage technology innovation.
Posted: 06 Aug 2008 | Published: 01 Mar 2007

SAP America, Inc.

IBM WebSphere Message Broker, Version 6.1 with IBM WebSphere Adapters: Communicating with Enterprise Information Systems
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This white paper reveals how WebSphere® adapter nodes within IBM® WebSphere Message Broker V6.1 speed and simplify the tasks of creating integrated processes, resulting in greater productivity and lower cost.
Posted: 12 Feb 2009 | Published: 11 Feb 2009


AT&T Business Continuity Survey: 2008
sponsored by AT&T Corp
WHITE PAPER: The goal of this business continuity survey was to learn what these executives were doing about business continuity, and how it figured in their overall IT strategy.
Posted: 06 Oct 2008 | Published: 04 Oct 2008

AT&T Corp

Creating and managing value-driven product portfolios
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: The product portfolio decisions you make today will determine whether your company is relevant tomorrow. To increase the chances of marketing a successful product, organizations must deliver products and services to the consumers they value the most, and they must provide those deliverables when their consumers want them. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 24 Jul 2009 | Published: 23 Jun 2009


Assuring Asset Documentation Integrity
sponsored by McLaren Software
WHITE PAPER: In this whitepaper, we will discuss best practices for assuring the integrity of your asset documentation.
Posted: 01 Feb 2008 | Published: 01 Jul 2007

McLaren Software

Business Process-Centric Information Technology: Aligning Business and Technology for High Performance
sponsored by Accenture
WHITE PAPER: Process-centric IT is, first and foremost, a way for the IT organization to build applications that will deliver greater flexibility and agility to the business-enabling high performance.
Posted: 18 Feb 2009 | Published: 18 Feb 2009


Sustaining Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance: Best Practices to Mitigate Risk, Automate Compliance, and Reduce Costs
sponsored by Tripwire, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: To successfully sustain compliance, organizations must implement best practices to ensure IT systems not only achieve a known and trusted state but they also maintain that state. Check out this white paper to learn how Tripwire solutions enable organizations to achieve and sustain SOX compliance.
Posted: 08 Jan 2009 | Published: 08 Jan 2008

Tripwire, Inc.

Best Practices in Creating a Strategic Finance Function
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: the following article will share the results of SAP research as well as APQC's Open Standards Benchmarking Collaborative (OSBC) research. The OSBC research is the first global set of common standards for business processes and data, giving organizations an independent, authoritative resource for evaluating and improving business practices.
Posted: 26 Jan 2009 | Published: 23 Jan 2009

SAP America, Inc.

Collaborative and Comprehensive: A Bold New Look for Global Sourcing
sponsored by Accenture
WHITE PAPER: This paper explores challenges and opportunities inherent in the global sourcing movement and provides at least five capabilities to be mastered if an organization is to achieve world-class status in the sourcing approaches and management techniques.
Posted: 26 Jun 2008 | Published: 01 Sep 2007
