Savant White Papers

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Dell™ PowerVault™ MD3000i 5000 Mailbox Single Copy Cluster Microsoft® Exchange 2007 Storage Solution
sponsored by DellEMC and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: This document provides information on Dell's PowerVault MD3000i Plus MD1000 storage solution for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, based on Microsoft Exchange Solution Reviewed Program (ESRP) Storage program.
Posted: 27 Aug 2008 | Published: 27 Aug 2008

DellEMC and Intel®

Eight Strategies for First Rate Customer Service
sponsored by Cisco Systems, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This paper provides eight strategies for creating a relationship with your customers that will keep them coming back.
Posted: 06 Oct 2008 | Published: 03 Oct 2008

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Security Threat Report: July 2008
sponsored by Sophos
WHITE PAPER: This report gives a comprehensive insight into the events and trends that emerged during the first half of 2008, and helps businesses to stay ahead of today's increasingly covert threats.
Posted: 13 Nov 2008 | Published: 13 Nov 2008


A Day in a Low Carbon Life: What Might It Be like to Lead a Business in 2012?
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This entertaining paper describes a day in the life of a fictional Chief Executive Officer, preparing to face market analysts in 2012.
Posted: 14 May 2008 | Published: 01 May 2008


The Social Enterprise: Using Social Enterprise Applications to Enable the Next Wave of Knowledge Worker Productivity
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Enterprise social applications are the next generation of collaboration and productivity tools, capturing the interpersonal knowledge of workers and the implicit connections among people, systems, and data.
Posted: 16 Oct 2008 | Published: 16 Oct 2008

Oracle Corporation

Two Billion Entry Directory Benchmark
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This benchmark evaluates Oracle Internet Directory performance under scales and throughput rates representative of those encountered in production use in both the communications industry and as part of large scale delivery architectures.
Posted: 10 Apr 2008 | Published: 01 Mar 2008

Oracle Corporation

From Chaos to Order - Winning the Information Management Game
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This paper explores how businesses can capitalize on a free, easy-to-use, rapid web application tool for the Oracle Database that will help consolidate personal databases, spreadsheets, and other data to create a single point of truth for everyone in the company.
Posted: 04 Jun 2009 | Published: 21 Apr 2009

Oracle Corporation

IT Tipping Point for Mid-sized Companies: Deciding When to Move to Tier 1 ERP
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This white paper will focus on debunking the myth that Tier 1 systems make running the business more difficult, while demonstrating that Tier 1 systems can actually make it easier for growing mid-sized companies to do the things they need to do.
Posted: 04 May 2009 | Published: 04 May 2009

Oracle Corporation

IDC White Paper: Diskless PCs: The Evolution of Enterprise PCs
sponsored by DellEMC and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: Diskless PCs used in conjunction with image streaming software can provide a PC performance and compatibility experience that is identical to that of a standalone machine, but with all the benefits that centralized environments enable.
Posted: 23 Jan 2008 | Published: 01 Jun 2007

DellEMC and Intel®

The Match Game: Is Offshoring a Fit for Your Help Desk Outsourcing Strategy?
sponsored by ABS Associates, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Let's examine the pros and cons of each as well as different situations where one or the other is the ideal match for your service desk strategy.
Posted: 13 Feb 2008 | Published: 13 Feb 2008

ABS Associates, Inc.