This whitepaper is about enterprise architecture as it pertains to finding and maximizing the business value in greener operations. Higher energy efficiency and a smaller carbon footprint are obvious areas of interest for any business, but how do you balance these goals with productivity, customer service, and all your other business concerns?
Risks related to collaboration tools like blogs and wikis can create legal liability and regulatory problems. Learn how to gain competitive advantage from these community-building tools while ensuring the content in them is appropriate and secure.
This paper provides an overview of the major issues that are driving support for care transformation. More importantly, it outlines an approach for achieving value from the IT investments made by health care organizations in support of transformation initiatives.
Automotive manufacturers and suppliers view China as the largest combination of automotive market and low-cost manufacturing and supply base to appear in decades.
Download this white paper for an extensive summary of The Performance Manager, Proven Strategies for Turning Information into Higher Business Performance, a book that examines the partnership between decision-makers and the people who provide them with information to drive better decisions.
The goal of this white paper is to focus on the key issues involved in developing an e-discovery capability and to help organizations plan to become better prepared for the rigors of the e-discovery process.
This paper focuses on the need to monitor and manage outbound content, discusses the key drivers that are making it necessary and details 3 steps that an organization should take to mitigate the risks it faces from employee use of communication tools.
This report takes an in-depth look at the security threat the Russian Business Network (RBN) is to North American-based enterprise businesses. Learn more about their current infrastructure, its corruption, and the impact the RBN has on business today.