Security Infrastructure Spending White Papers

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3 Key Components of a Risk-Based Security Plan
sponsored by Foundstone, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper takes a look at the different components of an effective security plan, and provides a perspective on how enterprises that are serious about their information security budgets should rethink their security plan.
Posted: 02 Jun 2008 | Published: 02 Jun 2008

Foundstone, Inc.

Laws, regulations and compliance: Top tips for keeping your data under your Control
sponsored by Sophos UK
WHITE PAPER: The challenges of complying with government, industry and internal regulations designed to protect data is becoming harder and more expensive to manage. This paper outlines the rules, looks at the main threats to security compliance and highlights how a well-defined strategy, backed up by powerful technology can provide the solution.
Posted: 20 Mar 2009 | Published: 01 Dec 2008

Sophos UK

Technology Implications of IFRS adoption for U.S. Companies: More than a technical accounting change
sponsored by Deloitte
WHITE PAPER: In this publication, we explore the technology implications associated with IFRS conversion and discuss: Evaluating the potential technology impact; how companies can prepare technology and systems changes related to IFRS adoption; Major differences between U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and IFRS and much more.
Posted: 28 Jul 2009 | Published: 28 Jul 2009


Building a Best-Run Finance Organization
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: This SAP Executive Insight examines the changing role of the finance organization in today's business environment. Further, it describes how companies can develop best-run finance organizations.
Posted: 08 Jun 2009 | Published: 01 Jun 2008

SAP America, Inc.

Leveraging Integration to Weather the Economic Storm
sponsored by Information Builders
WHITE PAPER: This white paper highlights four primary ways to use integration to make your business better during a down economy. You'll discover how, with the right integration plan and supporting software in place, your company can increase efficiency, minimize expenses, and streamline and accelerate core processes.
Posted: 22 Jun 2009 | Published: 01 Jun 2009

Information Builders

The Performance Manager: Turning Information Into Higher Business Performance
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Download this white paper for an extensive summary of The Performance Manager, Proven Strategies for Turning Information into Higher Business Performance, a book that examines the partnership between decision-makers and the people who provide them with information to drive better decisions.
Posted: 20 Jul 2009 | Published: 14 Feb 2008


Air-Cooled High-Performance Data Centers: Case Studies and Best Methods
sponsored by Intel Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Combining innovations and best-known methods for air-cooled data center design helps provide new approaches for power and cooling. This white paper discusses real world examples of how to lower costs and improve performance within the IT infras...
Posted: 31 Aug 2007 | Published: 01 Nov 2006

Intel Corporation

The Top 3 Cost-Cutting Mistakes CIOs Make And How to Avoid Them
sponsored by Rally Software
WHITE PAPER: The current economic downturn has resulted in contraction of IT Department budgets and a mandate to allocate resources to only the most critical projects, then execute it flawlessly. In these tough times, it is imperative for CIOs to deliver more value as IT budgets fall.
Posted: 03 Apr 2009 | Published: 03 Apr 2009

Rally Software

A New Model for Healthcare Transformation
sponsored by DellEMC and IntelĀ®
WHITE PAPER: This paper provides an overview of the major issues that are driving support for care transformation. More importantly, it outlines an approach for achieving value from the IT investments made by health care organizations in support of transformation initiatives.
Posted: 20 Jun 2012 | Published: 20 Jun 2012

DellEMC and IntelĀ®

Buckle Up (On the Road to IFRS) Straight Talk Book Series
sponsored by Deloitte
WHITE PAPER: The 11th book in our Straight Talk series helps executives understand the implications of IFRS and their role in addressing the associated changes. The publication also offers practical suggestions to help companies navigate through pressing issues and developing your own conversion road map.
Posted: 29 Jul 2009 | Published: 29 Jul 2009
