Whether your goal on the web is to inform, sell, entertain, or persuade, your site needs to meet the expectations of today's Internet users. Rich web pages, rapid fire communications, huge software downloads, and an expanding universe of digital media require a new approach to content delivery. Read this paper to see what Limelight has to offer.
TechTarget has already helped hundreds of tech vendors leverage intent data to power the most important elements of their ABM programs and achieve real success - read this e-book for 6 practical steps to help you build, execute, and scale smarter ABM.
IT leaders are used to doing more with less, but the pandemic has forced many organisations to reassess whether the way processes have always been run, is optimal. With people having to work from home, many organisations have needed to automate previous manual tasks, in order to remain operational.
In B2B, when you market and sell to organizations, you will likely be working with members of a buying committee both directly and “behind the scenes.” Download this expert guide to explore the 3 categories of people that commonly make up buying teams, and learn how to design a strategy that can address their differing expectations.
Use this 2-part e-book for help understanding why digital advertising can improve end-to-end marketing and sales performance—and drive remarkable ROI.
In this webinar, Eric Wittlake, Sr. Marketing Analyst, TOPO, discusses new use cases and applications for intent data that reach beyond just account based strategies and explores how entire go-to-market teams are using it to significantly improve results for each function within the team.
Robotic process automation and business process management are complementary partners in driving digital transformation initiatives. RPA has received a lot more publicity in recent years, but BPM is an essential discipline and a key enabler in scaling RPA projects. Here are the main differences between these process-oriented initiatives.
The consumer Web has shown us the power of the internet as a social, collaborative platform, particularly when compared to existing rigid corporate environments. Wikis, blogs, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, social networks, tagging, and mashups are flexible, user-driven tools that have the potential to bring many benefits to the enterprise.
the following article will share the results of SAP research as well as APQC's Open Standards Benchmarking Collaborative (OSBC) research. The OSBC research is the first global set of common standards for business processes and data, giving organizations an independent, authoritative resource for evaluating and improving business practices.
Due to the financial meltdown in the mortgage-backed securities industry, new compliance requirements will be implemented. Read this paper to find out how organizations can ensure compliance with stricter regulations and manage risk appropriately so the business does not slip into non-compliance resulting in negative publicity or punitive fines.