How can your business meet the ever-increasing demands of end users and still make a healthy profit? IBM takes a look at innovation's role in driving business objectives and helping electronics enterprises move forward.
IT leaders are used to doing more with less, but the pandemic has forced many organisations to reassess whether the way processes have always been run, is optimal. With people having to work from home, many organisations have needed to automate previous manual tasks, in order to remain operational.
Artificial Intelligence is red hot. But what lies beyond the hype? Once it was big data, then cloud, now it is artificial intelligence, and that sub-set of it which is machine learning, that's generating more heat than light. Is there business value here?
For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), the impacts of a disaster can result in loss of or lack of access to data, applications, and work facilities. This paper explains five key steps to consider when implementing a program for your company.
B2B integration technology, offers powerful and complementary tools and services for seamless business integration and meeting the challenges of global collaboration.
This webcast, featuring Intel and Virtual Iron, explores the key drivers and enabling technologies behind server virtualization. Best practices for supporting virtualized workloads in production environments will also be discussed.