There are many business benefits of implementing RFID within your organization. Read this white paper for an in-depth look at the business case for implementing RFID technology within your supply line and what ROI results can be expected from this ...
Tracking inventory with RFID just got easier. Read this white paper to see how mobile RFID read points are helping increase visibility for company inventory and other assets, regardless of where it is in the supply chain.
RFID technology is helping to revolutionize asset management -from small packages to high dollar assets such as shipping containers or expensive IT equipment. Read this white paper to learn more.
In these uncertain times, making solid predictions for the year ahead looks like a definition of a mug's game. While this has been the fuel for the fire for the boom in applications such as video conferencing as used to support remote working, the same really can be said for the internet of things (IoT).
In this week's Computer Weekly, the new CEO of the Gov-ernment Digital Service, Tom Read, explains his three-year strategy for improving online public services. EU attempts to regulate AI are under fire – we examine the issues. And we find out how Bupa is turning to the cloud to deliver per-sonalised healthcare. Read the issue now.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to Rolls-Royce about using AI, sensors and data analytics to build intelligent aircraft engines. Our latest buyer's guide examines the next generation of desktop IT. And we ask whether a court ruling in Chile could lead to a worldwide change in Oracle's software licensing practices. Read the issue now.
Computer Weekly's CW500 Club heard from IT leaders plotting a roadmap to software-defined everything – this presentation was given by Rob White, executive director of the global database group at Morgan Stanley.
This white paper describes a tested and validated storage solution for a 3000 mailbox Exchange 2007 environment with Single Copy Cluster in a high availability clustering mechanism based on the Microsoft Cluster Service shared storage.
While there are dozens of procurement software solutions available, there are really only two types offered: "on-premise" procurement software and newer "ondemand" procurement software. This paper outlines an approach to compute and compare them.