In this white paper, learn how to build a successful ABM foundation with data-driven account selection and modeling. Explore 4 signs your company is failing with ABM account selection, and discover how to match your account selection with active demand in your market.
This presentation transcript is on the Cray CX1 personal supercomputer with ANSYS simulation software. Presenters are Barb Hutchings from ANSYS and Ian Miller from Cray. ANSYS is working with Cray on a joint solution, and the motivation today is the really huge value proposition that high performance computing brings to ANSYS customers.
This white paper discusses the importance of managing energy consumption in data centers and how systems management technologies contribute to green management.
In this publication, we explore the technology implications associated with IFRS conversion and discuss: Evaluating the potential technology impact; how companies can prepare technology and systems changes related to IFRS adoption; Major differences between U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and IFRS and much more.
This paper discusses how to implement agile thinking in the context of both defined engineering practices and an organizations' Software Development Lifecycle.
Learn how to effectively combine agile development techniques with traditional SDLC and other software engineering techniques. Explore the basic concepts behind agile thinking and the three perspectives associated with this process.
Posted: 14 Mar 2008 | Premiered: Mar 25, 2008, 14:00 EDT (18:00 GMT)
The goal of this white paper is to focus on the key issues involved in developing an e-discovery capability and to help organizations plan to become better prepared for the rigors of the e-discovery process.
Following on the heels of corporate scandals at Enron, WorldCom, and others, global investors are demanding stricter corporate governance and compliance requirements for publicly held companies. Read this whitepaper to learn more about the issues, principles, and technologies underlying new requirements in corporate governance.